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Post History: Sun92
2 years ago
2 years ago
Kapiel Raaj's explanation about this christmas day planetary position.In: An amazing person will born in this (2019) Christmas day
2 years ago
I knew this is a sign of a birth of an amazing person, but I need to confirm that. I tried to ask so …In: An amazing person will born in this (2019) Christmas day
2 years ago
I see this like this way. There are 7 types of people in this world.
1. Good outside appearance wit …In: on beauty and ugliness
2 years ago
Moon Sign Personality
Keywords: Impetuous, Gallant, Quick tempered, Independent, Self …In: Astrology Readings
2 years ago
DesertRat56 thank you for reading my post. Actually we can't tell everything with sun sign. Sam …In: Astrology Readings
2 years ago
Astrology is a method that using to read past/present/future based Stars and Planets. I have seen lo …In: Astrology Readings
2 years ago
Method of casting off the evil eye using salt and red chillies together - …In: Evil eye Protection
2 years ago
Looks like spirits are trying to give messages to their relatives via you. You can try meditation to …In: Hearing multiple names at once while reading others?
2 years ago
I like to share few things that I saw/experienced in myself. This will be a important information to …In: How to protect your energy?
2 years ago
2019-11-05 world horoscope chart
Today planet Jupiter transits to mula nakshatra in Sagittarius, le …In: Jupiter Transits to Mula Nakshatra in Sagittarius
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Loving Kindness Meditation
may I be free from anger
may I be free from ill will
may I look after …In: Loving Kindness Meditation
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, First I must say this, This is an awesome community! I noticed little thing and I think that wil …In: Help Improve Chat
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
I don't know that you believe past life, but this looks like someone who related to you in your …In: Im being haunted by a spirit
2 years ago
Sure, can you please send me your birth time and birth place. (If you do not like to share it on pub …In: Sun92's Bio
2 years ago
Sorry RCD I need more information about Chris, Then I can try to connect him if he can connect my mi …In: Sun92's Bio
2 years ago
I think, He loves you but he has some fear deep in his heart to love anyone, it is the problem that …In: Sun92's Bio
2 years ago
He is a sensitive sad type(Shy)lover but not a cheater. You are a sensitive happy type(Not Shy)lover …In: Sun92's Bio
2 years ago
Your Birth chart (dead link)
Reading about your life.You are a creative, lovely, artistic girl. You …In: Sun92's Bio
2 years ago
2 years ago