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How to protect your energy?

How to Protect your Energy?

1. Being aware - Make sure you know your energy is your own and not someone else's.
2. If someone comes in close, ask for them to be moved further away from your own energy and out, of your life, if you want it to be that way. Fill their space with love.
3. Boundaries ~ Set your parameters and boundaries so that you know who you trust and let into your life.
4. Connect with your rhythmic breathing:- Become aware of the rise and fall of your own breath and relax knowing you are safely protected from harm.
5. Visualize a beautiful white light being placed around your shoulders. This light is the light of the source and universal light which will protect your energy and back via positive intention.
6. Salt and crystal baths - can also be just what you need - as water memorizes everything you put into it so make sure the energy going into it is a good as it will serve you in a very good relaxing way.
7. Earth and ground yourself - go out and be at one in nature, blow away the old cobwebs by walking out in the countryside.
8. Smokey Quartz and Clear Quartz together will help amplify the energies that are being transmuted to positivity, you can then work with this in gridwork. Diamond too herkmiser is an equally strong crystal which has protective properties that can be used in alignment to clear crown chakras if feeling blocked. Visualize crystals in a grid around the chakra that requires unblocking and ask for loving light to be sent there and fill the space in which the guiding energy has vacated.
9. Bubble of light & pyramids with positive energy - equally strong protection.
10. Mirrors - reflect it back to the sender/universally.

If someone gets too close does it matter who it is? Or is it implied that the person who is too close to you is interferring with your life in some way?

Not necessarily. They can do so unknowingly or knowingly, its just a case of putting up your boundaries and sorting out who you want in close connection within your life & energy.

I like to share few things that I saw/experienced in myself. This will be a important information to some psychics/mediums I think.

* If you take alcohol then your mind and aura become weak. Aura become like blur and dark. It effects you like, good spirits are unable to contact you easily.

* If you eat meat it can be a reason for cancers as a health issue. And also it reduce your aura strength. Because animals also have thoughts and a mind. They can't think like human but they can understand simple things. They also have sad, angry, happy feelings. They also feel pain. When they killing their angry makes their flesh not suitable to eat (cursed). "Justice" should not only for humans, Animals also deserve to it.

* Find a soul mate who really loves you. Don't do shameful/unwanted things. That also reduce your aura strength and good spirits will leave you.

Thank you, CelticRose and Sun92. My energy is constantly under attack by energy vampires. I am in a state of emergency where my life can easily fall into their hands if they become violent enough with their energy sucking. I have entered chronic fatigue stage and fought my way out of it. Now, still fighting to keep my energy to myself and doing my best to prevent fourth dimensional tempering with my energy field. Particularly my brain has become an experiment table for these fourth dimensional psychics to attack and enjoy.

Thank you for the information. I am a new student of the mystics.