
The Ghost Club is the oldest organisation in the world associated with psychical research. It was founded in 1862 but has its roots in Cambridge University where, in 1855, fellows at Trinity College began to discuss ghosts and psychic phenomena. Today the Ghost Club is a non-profit, social club run by an elected Council of volunteers and its purpose remains true to its roots; the Ghost Club offers open-minded, curious individuals the opportunity to debate, explore and investigate unexplained phenomena with like-minded people and record the results for posterity.

Scottish ghosts and phantoms.

True ghost stories and paranormal articles.

The Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society was formed in 1999 to help people and study paranormal phenomena.

The Ghost Research Society was formed as a clearing house for reports of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist and life after death encounters. The society members actively research and investigate all reports that come their way including private homes and businesses. The society also analyzes alleged spirit photographs, video and audio tapes that they come across from ordinary people or society members.

Many people might not know that West Virginia Ghosts has been around since 1999. Long before it was “cool” or widely accepted to be a paranormal investigator. The founder of the website Jonathan Moore created West Virginia Ghosts. He was intrigued by not only his experiences but mostly from other’s accounts of their greetings from beyond the grave, he wanted to find a way to showcase these tales. Being a computer programmer, he built and designed the site we log onto every day. The site was to be a collection of ghost stories and urban legends for the state of West Virginia. It grew from just those stories to a Message Board, a collection of sightings, and paranormal advice. Then in 2003, the server crashed. Jonathan then had to rebuild this website even when others said it was not going to go anywhere, it has now grown to over 1,300 members. With the age of Social Media such as Facebook, Google+, and others; the West Virginia Ghosts population has grown to over 20,000 loyal followers.

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