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I am Mark, trance healer, universal healer, reiki healer, trance, transfiguration medium, psychic, tarot reader.

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channeled ,inspired

love is where our hearts meet when we blend our energys you have seen such beautys which are in your world but try to consider that the glorius colours the blends and shades are a bit like the human form never perfect and changealbe your lives are like this consider what this meens to you picture a big pond trees overlooking it and the moon reflecting on it the beautifull colours the stillness in the reflection can you see it do you see the love that is in front of you and why it was put there for mankind look within there is the kingdom of god there is peace and love

inspired poem came to me

the spirit world that I see
is not just about you and me
its about all mankind
no one gets left behind
the fish ,our dogs
our nanna too
will be there one day
greetings for us all

we learn we grow
the seads we sow
lessons learnt
far away gods creatures far and wide
look at with us with love and pride
for one day the truth will be known
the seeds we plant are the seeds we sow

IT has been delightful to find this here and read what has been recorded.

I shall be coming back to this repeatedly I am sure.

a picture can say so much

how many times will mankind keep making same mistakes do they not see that there is no progress in what they are doing that although medicine and hospitals are improving the essence to health is through healing,a positive mind and through manefestating the ways that are as old as earth itself where are the foods plants seeds that will help mankind if they just went back to basics with everything they do rather than try to moove faster and run before they can walk the american native indians at there stage of life was aware of mother earth and what was acceptable and not . they did the simple things and they put back what they took from earth then came the white man who started to destroy what they had through greed this is why there are many guides coming from this time they was very wise and continue to be in there evolution with us on the spheres as you call it be cautious with your progress as its not what is best for you
you are driven by what you are told by the guardians the goverments and many follow like sheep when things get bad and you follow beware that this will just continue untill you try to make a small difference and with this difference you can keep together and make change why modify crops spray pestercides why its greed and it ruins life without the natural growth of natures foods taken with a balance of healing and love and cherishing the earth your development will be slow and there is much more to be found in the universe when you was created it was percieved how slow mankind was how they squabble fight and destroy things generally so we have so much work to do .shine a light in the darkness do your bit to help and make change feed your children from your gardens live and learn from nature pray as you wish and rejoice and love your friends and enemies for ever they are all part of the same!

]Loved reading this Mark. Definitely provides inspiration to live off of our mother earth as well as letting our bodies work and heal as much as they can on their own. Our bodies are amazing if we let them function the way they are supposed to. I am also interested in how you are so easy to channel messages about our Native Americans. I feel very connected to them as my great grandma was full blooded Cherokee Native. The love of the land is engraved into me and it is so important we take care of it. Thank you again for this message

LWM [/size

LightworkingMama wrote: ↑Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:50 am
] I am also interested in how you are so easy to channel messages about our Native Americans. I feel very connected to them as my great grandma was full blooded Cherokee Native. The love of the land is engraved into me and it is so important we take care of it. Thank you again for this message

LWM [/size

what a pleasure to have this in your bloodline!

channeled upon awaking this fine morning

life in the jungle your jungle!
a amazing place we dwell full of energys going abt there everyday life jobs that lead them to lonliness and dispair take heed of the moments when you find inspiration take what you can and make the most of what joys are abundant for they do not last like the seasons of winter autumn summertime they are changeable the tide goes in and out the gravity pulling powers on mother earth all this is natural as is your ability to understand what why how to search within your own temple and raise your prayers to be thankfull to the devine
we do inspire you at times when you get that strange thought about something you can create this is the way we work for some look back on this live and learn earth people you are beautifull beings that can achieve so much but you are also destructive and very hard work for us the principle of ying and yang
we watch you and look at you with much love knowing that as we cnnot help some as much as we could but this is not ppernmitted there are the laws we must abide to
the medium mark has been trying for sometime explain how he feels about mediumship and we are waiting for him to clarify this without giving him a channeled message for his personal growth in taking this further is there and waiting we do feel his impatience to do this !
we are now in the process of building the energys so he can step forward and support him in his next elementary step
for now goodbye earthlings

star gazers

some time ago on a dark starry night the indians would sit there giving gifts to the star people they realised where there place was in the universe and they would learn the star constillations and watch with glee at the formations using the sand where they sat to draw this knowing that this was done by man much before there time the use of the stars and there focus upon them would light that spark within that embelished there very being so much so that they was able to draw energys at that point of focus this has been lost to further generations who are not generally aware of these things so much now earth people are more concerned with materialism which has blocked the inner wisdon that was learnt through your brothers but rejoyce in that when you give the thoughts and spend the time to re use this latent gift the joys are there for you

a freind died 2 weeks ago
i just got this channeled
in these lands I tread

he shows me such beauty indescribable to me
mountains and grass fields with hay
a lion in the distance ,a bee on the tree oh what beauties behold thee
time caught up with my friend you see
and now hes there waving to me

come over mark share in such fun I was afraid but now I see
the pain has gone my thoughts are pure
no more sickness no more hurt

ive left my wife ,my family
but you can somehow see me
intrigued quite how I should not ask
in this place I see in the dark

one day we will all meet , im with some friends now
and all of this is new to me ,im free
my thougts will be with you all today and tomorrow
for eternity

farewell mark do not grieve I no you realised what I now no
for everyday the love will grow
I will visit back home again
this is the story that never ends

Love the posts on here very interesting

ChicaAmora come into our chat room !

crabbyreena welcome to the site

Today was interesting so far when I awoke I found a set of stones again that were laid a Shape on the farm similar to what I have previously found so somebody is laying the Stones deliberately and I believe so I'm aware of this or to make someone aware because this is the second time they have been placed there also there was some type of bird feather amongst I remember last time this happened that the same evening I had seen some people at the top of my farm Fields moving around in circles there were three of them but when I went over to them they went the place I live is renowned for witchcraft as is the land with a very strong connection and the whole village where I live it is .alleged that opposite my Farm which is about 20 ft from where I live and there were many witches murdered and quite often mediums pick this up in the same area I personally find it a bit negative so I try not to
Today I have been a very aware by a guide of the fact that we all create our own reality it is a very well-known saying and I believe this to be very true as well and I have been giving the abt site quite a lot of thought today due to the new chat starting and the creation of a small team of mediums who are going to help people here so that impression was put on me bye my guide and I am now thinking as to why exactly the thought of what is my purpose in all of this which I believe is to help where I can especially with the mediums I have the realisation that I do not have much time or energy to be able to use due to my workload and readings and like a lot of people I come here to relax but still I am able to assist where needed hopefully I'm shown that we all have different reasons that we perceive are for our mediumship development and I believe that the site is here to help me as well so I do look forward to seeing how some of the mediums progress with helping people and as I've said before if we can help just one person then that is enough where I live I am very much with nature and I am also shown that I will be meeting various people who will be guided to come here for the tranquility and for answers that I can give them in their progress and part of what I will be able to do is physically they can come here but also in they're visualisations which will help with their healing I thought I'd share this with you as I see some people are interested in this post which I will continue when I can I'm going to share now some photographs of the animals so you can see the setting of where I live



rather peacefull eh this is where it all happens

Love your recent post and pics Mark. The horses are so beautiful! Thanks for your guidance as always.


Hello my name is Chris I am just getting in to this type of stuff working with Angel cards

hi mark its sounds like you are very good at what you do i am new to this site ive seen spirits since a child but im not a psychic or a medium i cannot read or anything but i do find it all very interesting 🙂

Well hello, I am Stacy and from the old site. Over the past 3 years I have found out I am a healer, trance medium, psychic medium and a good ole medium to deliver messages from those passed over to those needing a message. Have not dabbled in the other arts, but may one day work on it. My next goal is to become a Reiki healer

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