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Would really like a reading please

Feeling like something or someone is trying to connect with me for a while now and don’t know how to start. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Hi there Bluebird417

I felt drawn to answer your request today. Sensing pink & yellow energies around you right now in your aura. The yellow indicates that there is hope on the horizons with what path you wish to go forwards in. You are looking into healing as well and this has brought on more questions that what you first set out to ask. Its like its opened a new doorway of knowledge for you with which comes a new opportunity manifesting into your life, so one to watch out for which will be with you in may this year. You are very open although you don't realise the full potential of your gifts and innate abilities. I'm getting the sense of a conflict around you though as well like you are walking around eggshells around a situation that has come in close to home. This is with someone you don't trust but have the urge to be honest with, almost a feeling of being too honest like you give more away than what you intend to. You know you have the keys to unlock the answers that you need to do so. You are also feeling emotional over a relationship that has come to an end, this may be a friendship that started out as just friends but has panned over into something more. You need to trust in your heart on this, because your heart knows best for you. Ask and you shall receive direction from Spirit and your angelic team on the direction as to where you could head to next in your journey. They are always there to set you back on track should you feel lost on your current path. You are asked to do also some soul searching within to find the answers that you seek and have sought. This will be a worthy venture for you with a lot more inner healing for you to undertake on board with your innate wisdom today. I hope this is okay and helps you move forwards.