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Would love to know what you think!

Hi there 🙂

I'd really appreciate any thoughts or instincts anyone may feel when looking at these pictures of me. Any insights about my past or future would be great to hear.

I will take everything with a pinch of salt, don't worry about offending me! Just say what you feel 🙂

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Thanks! 🙂


Well it would be stating the obvious to say that you are an adventurous lady ( the photos would evidence that). You have forged your own path and overcome some great obstacles in your life.

I feel that you have been jerked around by men and this stems back to your childhood. You have quite a protective shell because of this... to stop you being hurt over and over again. But I feel you have not fully dealt with this pain and this is just attracting this energy back to you again and again. You attract and are attracted to the wrong sort of men and when they start to play the same old records, you just leave. This isn’t the healthiest or happiest pattern for you is it? I feel you need to do some real work on forgiving the father figure in your life and moving forward. Kinesiology or some other energy work will help. Connecting with your guide and spirits will also help. They can’t guide you without your asking... they can not interfere with your free will. Moving past these blocks will help you find happiness... and I see you helping others one day in the future too.

Keep adventuring but remember, the answer to your happiness lies within you....right where you are.

All the best!

Lonliness. Confusion