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Woman in picture who died at the site!

This picture was taken at The LTRS ( Long Term Research Site) I had for a number of years. It appears to be a woman standing under the light with her arm lifted. She seems to have long black hair? We were informed there had been a death in the basement of the building of a young lady named " Nancy Foster." Nancy was said to be known to the one who told us the story. Upon the capture of this picture he said it was an exact match! I was shocked to say the least! He also said a man had died there too named Ricky Brewer. The cause of their deaths were never discovered he informed us. They had died together at the location. He continued and said they both had a disfigured face in death. Rod had grown up in the area so, the story was taken as fact known by the locals.

Rod our source was a former police officer so the story was accepted. Keep in mind having been an investigator myself. I take nothing as fact until the sources and facts check out. so, as the saying goes. "Consider the source." Most wouldn't have questioned the story. I did. Upon questioning the story. I examined county and state records which no names matches for deaths were found in the public records for the time period.

The next weekend Rod wasn't available and couldn't be contacted. After reconstructing the area and location the picture was taken we were able to recreate the image! We suspected pareidolia at work upon examination of the alleged spectral figure from the start.

My best advice is to understand the pros and cons of each equipment you use. Also how artifacts are created by cameras. This only happens as you question the "results " from your camera or items that you may be using.

That's pretty cool! I see a woman underneath the red light bulb! Long shoulder length hair with a jacket or blazer and a long necklace or beads around her neck I think?