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Will me and my soulmate be together?

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Picture of my soulmate Keith who I lost touch with 12+ years ago who I met online. We talked for a year and he wanted me to move to another state to be together but due to financial situation and then a job opportunity that fell through it never happened and I lost his contact information due to a forced move. I then met my now husband but my heart was already given away to Keith. November of 2019 I smelled Keith’s cologne out of no where and decided to try and see if I could find him and i did. He knows I’m married and won’t break my commitment to my husband even though I gave up a lot in this marriage and know that my dreams of what I wanted are now dust. Keith is 18yrs. older then me and will be 60 in April. Was just wondering if Keith and I will ever finally have our souls meet and be together while we are still on this realm or do we have to wait until death and the next life?

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