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What do you see ?

This was taken few years back after my mother in law passed . This is her grave site and about a year later in Oct . This was not a sunny day it was a cloudy October day .

I see a work of art. An ambiance of spiritual energy. Very mystical. Thank you for sharing.

I see a smiling face. I had to tilt to see it the right way around and on the bottom right hand corner, there is an orb 🙂 inside the orb, a smiling face. And I see the beautiful pink ray of light shining down upon her resting place, almost as if love was coming down from heaven. That's beautiful.

Hugs to you

This photo is quite amusing, with so much light and orbs still can't though get my mind through it. But theres something about it for sure, is how I feel.

Thank you all for your comments ! I love this pic so much that I had one blown up and it hangs on my wall. It's beautiful and mysterious at the same time. I have always thought perhaps an Angel because my mother in law collected them. Even her China cupord she kept them in was esp made for her t had Angel carvings in it . All her children pitched in to have it custom made for her.

nice picture..

i see something like an angel or is it your mother in law spirit and i think the gate of heaven is opening and welcoming her soul


I see the open mouth of ALIEN the movie

I keep thinking my boyfriend is having sex with another woman like tonight did he have sex with another woman to night his name is John his birthday is 07 19 82