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Understqanding the nature of channeling.

Hello' to everyone:

Now, there are many individuals who claim to channel incarnated spirits or ascended masters or famous past life entities of ancient times.

Many claim to be having interactions or conversations with beings or aliens from other planets

Some actually are genuinely connecting and interacting with those known as aliens or ascended masters, etc.

But, how can one know if one is truly channeling that supposed master or alien?

What is your measuring stick to know the truth?

And why do most who claim to be channeling those supposed entities have no clear understanding of the nature of their relationship?

And most of all...…"If an individual channeler is not actually channeling a supposed master or alien or past life entity...then....."What exactly is the channeler expressing or channeling???

Please feel free to offer your insights and questions regarding this issue.

Thank you for your kind input.

IN LIGHT, Wandering Soul