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The truth about the meanings of the numbers (5)

The problem about the meanings of the numbers you can find on the internet is "who" gave the number that meaning!

What has that person achieved in terms of making the world a better place? Nothing and you believe them? Bold move I can say!

But I did make a big discovery. Therefore I give the number 5 and similar looks (like: S, ) a meaning.

The meaning of the number 5 is as follows:
*Master of light (the one who knows why there's something rather than nothing)
*Truthbearer (knowledge why there's something rather than nothing)
The modern meaning of "Lightbearer" would be the "Scientist" who knows why there's something rather than nothing.

The number 5 is the most powerful number.

The only thing I cannot tell you what it means for your life because I'm the master of light on this planet.