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The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense is inherent in all human beings, some are just more receptive to its spiritual faculties. Human intuition is this sense because it pertains to information that is acquired without use of the 5 “ordinary” senses.

Human Nature and the very World we inhabit is fashioned for the Materialistic and self indulgences of man, the exact opposite that is required of all spiritual endeavors.

If you ask as to why we have a sixth sense, you must ask also ask yourself why we have sight, taste, touch?

We have these to experience the world of imperfection so we may discover our dormant spirit and “know the depths” of perfection itself after the 1st death.

We have a Sixth Sense for similar reason, so that we may come to experience the Divine and learn of the hidden truths that has been veiled with symbolism through art, scripture, nature and all things in creation.

“Full Human Awareness” - is the greatest gift a human being can receive in life because it allows for the ultimate use of compassion, love, and good deeds for themselves and those around them.

I always taught my children that there is more to being human on planet earth than the physical, hearing, seeing, touching, smelling. And when we moved to Midland, Texas I was inundated by invitations to different churches by my new co-workers. I decided I would visit each church once, as I am not a church person, but still worried about what people thought of me back then. (it was the 80's). We visited a presbyterian church and it was ok, my family belonged to a presbyterian church when I was growing up. My daughter was 9 and when we got home she said she disturbed the sunday school teacher because he asked "how many senses do we have?" as part of his lesson and she immediately said "Six", which caused him to pause and totally forget what the lesson was. LOL.

I think we probably can define more than 6, but 6 is a good number to start with. How do you know who is calling when the phone rings (before you look at caller id)? How do you know when someone is lying to you, or to not go down a certain street? The intangible is very hard to describe. That is 6th sense, but what about times when you "accidentally" turn the wrong direction and spend 5 minutes getting back on track? It feels like you made a mistake but later you find out you missed a horrible accident by turning the wrong direction. I think that is beyond 6th sense. I think prophetic dreams are also a separate caategory, some way of looking ahead on the map, something we all do but rarely remember.