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The ethereal body

Some years ago, I started noticing seeing a light around people. Through research from what I've read this is called the ethereal body. Some people's are brighter and bigger than others and almost everyone's that I see is brighter around the head more so than the rest of the body. I see it around animals too. Although i would love too, I don't see the colors of people's auras like how I hear it described. And I don't know what it means that I can see people's energy at all. There's always been an unusual amount of paranormal activity around me, that I just thought was normal for everyone for the longest. Other forms of extra sensory perception too...but I digress. I feel like this is a spiritual gifts and I should be using it to better understand myself and help other people but I don't think I understand it enough myself yet. I came here because I know it's a safe place where no one would think it was weird or crazy. Where to start with what this light I see around people? What's it mean? Can it be developed further? What kind of gift is it? Any answers or advice is welcome

I think as with any "gift" or innate ability that is build in within us to see the aura or bodies of the aura, or layers, that one should relax and simply allow this ability to guide you through the stages of your journey. You will find it will help you as well as others. Be respectful to it as you would with an old friend. Just a few thoughts here x

I have heard about this before. One story I remember reading was about a woman who could see an aura of light that surrounds us all. She claimed she could actually determine where someone was due to their light leaking through cracks and crevices from doors. So, she could in a sense see behind walls as long as this aura of light wasn't completely blocked out. I'm not sure what happened to her but it sounds a lot like what you are describing.

Sorry to interupt this happened to me my new neahbour moved in down stairs i could hear some shouting i was just getting into bed as shouting appeared to be coming from the bedroom below for a few seconds i saw this whitish thing come up the wall i thought bloody eck now what it suddenly faded away and the shouting started out side my window i thougt im not getting dressed to see what your problem is id been into this stuff for many years but did not really take any notice or be serious about the subject i beleave it was the ladies autheric i happen to mention this to my mentor she said yes she must be very spiritual like you but not know

I had a playful imagitive friend when i was three i did not know who it was just a voice in my head it wanted to know what everything was forvin my body and head and id answer with my mind its just my ears eyes etc well early one evening i got really tired as three year olds do my said have a sleep so i was at the back of them on the sofa i dont know how long id been asleep when i woke up my mom , nan and uncles had disappered all i could see was these white spiky beings with glowing like xray eyes i was hysterical screaming the place asking who ever it was to put me down i could hear my mother and nans voice but i could see them i literally cried my self to sleep the next time i woke everything was normal days and weeks past, the voice had stopped and i never heard from it again, id read many many years later some humans get an immature guide i think this was the case for me although i like to keep an open mind