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Spirit of Glass Challenge

I'd never heard of this before. Has anyone heard of the Spirit of Glass or Spirit of the Glass challenge? It involves, I think, putting smoke in a glass, lighting candles, and using a glass and a piece of paper as sort of a makeshift Ouija board. I've read a few different variations, some with people only writing Yes and No and others writing out the alphabet. Has anyone heard of this? Tried it? Thoughts?

I don't think any wise spirit would connect through an unknown tool. But that's just my personal thoughts and opinions. Still, good to discuss and talk about it though 🙂

It sounds very much like a Ouija board, but I've never heard of this and am wondering if it's actually something people do or if it's some kind of Internet hoax or CreepyPasta kind of deal.

Not heard of this...
I agree with Celtic that so many things can be used as tools similar to the ouija... It probably could work in terms of communicating.. How? i'm not sure as i'm trying to picture how they'd do that.. but yes, it probably can
