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Spirit Awareness Class With Keithdeakin - Monday 4th September

Spirit Awareness Class (For Beginners)

With Keithdeakin, Medium / ABT member

Monday 4th September
10pm GMT
6pm EST
3pm PST

This class will be held in Anybodythere's Chat Rooms

Anybodythere Member and Spiritualist Medium Keithdeakin will kindly be hosting a Class on Spirit Awareness for Beginners
Do you believe you may be a Medium? Are you curious to learn about Spirit and how we may communicate with the other side?
Topics in Keith's class will include the Key elements of Mediumship and Communication . Keith will be there to help us understand how we can develop our Mediumship abilities, Communicate with our passed Loved ones & Guides and how we can aid our own Psychic Development.

Topics Covered will include:
What is Mediumship?
Am I a Medium?
How can we communicate with Passed Loved Ones?
Basic Psychic Development
Guided / Group discussions
& Many other topics

Everyone is Welcome to join us. We look forward to seeing you there

What a wonderful news!
It will help many here as I believe Keith to be a wonderful teacher.

I am sure is going to be amazing 🙂

Yessss. So looking forward to this class. Gonna be really helpful to me.

Sounds great! Looking forward to it.