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Smartphone Home App ... your doorbell detected a visitor

Perhaps not paranormal, but very eery non-the-less.

A man kept receiving notifications throughout the night on his newly installed doorbell detector app on his smart phone. The first few times he checked, he could not see anything untoward and put it down to a cat or other animal being detected by the sensor. Several notifications later, he checked again to find this at 3am:

Ding-dong ditch, bro!

I've seen this before. Very creepy. Reminds me of The Strangers.

Interesting. I agree with Cole. Very creepy. Great picture. 🙂

That's kind of creepy. That would freak my out at 3 am!

I think it was probably someone casing the house trying to see if someone was home.

yes, I agree sounds like someone casing the house, very creepy stay safe.!

Wow... intense feeling of fear from this post, so spooky. Stay safe!

that would be creepy, but i'd agree he seems to be sketching the building and was probably checking if anyone was in.

Still, they have good make up skills!

It is weird, but for some reason it made me laugh.