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Please need advice on love and relationship. My guy friend Simon tells me he loves me but he knows I want to be more. He already chose to be friends and i have gave in to just be friends. Things arent pretty much in getting better he says girls are saying that I'm labeling him as "my man ". First I dont know these women and second who are these girls? He wont kiss me because he says I will get confused with a relationship. I'm broken hearted but he will tell me he loves me? In which way I've spent time knowing this guy for about over a year. I've known him from third grade. We've only been intimate a few times this last year. Hes just not into me. I dont know what to do.

Well, actually it isn't that difficult to see. Ok, he says he loves you but why is that the only thing that reaches your mind? And btw. there are many different forms of love, that doesn't mean he loves you romantically. He says he doesn't want a relationship, he says he is not your man. And being intimate means nothing at all, especially since in your other thread you say he isn't intimate with you at all, not even kisses you.

It seems like you are not just making it very easy for him to take whatever he wants from you without any accountability but even difficult to avoid it. You are clinging and searching for any tiniest sign that could prove what he says to you wrong. Let me tell you you won't find it. He told you what he doesn't want from you. The best for you would be to accept it and to let him go. And that's it.

Thank you Missy