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should i try

I feel compelled to do an Ouija board I am very well aware of the rules and the precautions, I keep getting a feeling there is someone trying to contact me but my aura is blocking them from coming through,
I am working hard on meditation everyday to unlock my 3rd eye, sometimes I have some progress sometimes none its quite frustrating.

but anyway would it be a good idea to commence with the board (homemade with paper) as I have a very protective spirit guide?



Hi..In my opinion i would leave such things alone...I feel you do not have the experiance to stop any unwanted interferance...If you are positive someone is trying to come through, just relax and mentally ask who it is and the reason for contacting you...Your Aura has nothing to do with any is yourself who is preventing it. Open up your Chackras and relax.
Hope this helps.
Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Kind regards.

Hi WeepingWillow

Personal opinion? .. There are many ways to open yourself up to spirit. Boards, i'm not a huge fan of them. Whilst many of the tools are similar, maybe it would be worth looking into getting a pendulum - you have charts which you can use which have 'yes' no/maybe and other answers on them. That would be my preference in your situation and much safer. Still need to use protection methods/shielding and grounding before opening up using any tool, though I think pendulums are your best bet

I understand the curiosity . Have you considered oracle cards/Angel cards? they are other tools which seem to be more specific in delivering messages.... maybe that would be another idea for you
Meditation is just as useful (if not better).. the only thing is, you just have to trust what comes during meditation. It's pretty much the same in terms of communicating ... you are relaxing yourself to receive more guidance from spirit and communication with them

There are also so many other ways... scrying .. runes, guided meditations

Thats ok re progress. Sometimes we can all halt and have a time with not much progress. It doesn't mean your abilities have gone away for good, it just means it's not as clear as usual and stress/tiredness/life events can close us off a little bit

I'd say stick to it, but personally would consider other forms of communication above

Hope this helps :o) good luck.

Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:36 am

I feel compelled to do an Ouija board I am very well aware of the rules and the precautions, I keep getting a feeling there is someone trying to contact me but my aura is blocking them from coming through,
I am working hard on meditation everyday to unlock my 3rd eye, sometimes I have some progress sometimes none its quite frustrating.

but anyway would it be a good idea to commence with the board (homemade with paper) as I have a very protective spirit guide?



I just have a couple of questions 🙂
1)Wondering why you think your Aura is blocking them ?
2) how do you know you have a protective spirit guide ? Can you speak with your guide ?


If at any time you feel uneasiness with, trust in that and don't do it and trust your instincts. But still my original first thought stands, if you can connect to spirit easily enough in a peaceful line of communication processwhy bother going through a fearful tool that may not work? There are other tools that you can use which does not have the same fearful factor and which can be cleared and cleansed to remove all negative vibes from them, such as tarot, oracle/angel cards but which are more peaceful in kind.... But I do agree that intention is everything, so keep it positive. If you are starting out and don't know what you are doing- leave it alone and trust in that decision.

But its been my experience that a negative experience can come out of it if fearfulness is involved at anyone time and the person that uses is out to intentionally harm another if used in the wrong way. I've also denied a friend request partly because of this reason because the person in my past was out to harm me maybe not intentionally but she knew I was sensitive, I think even if I did not realize it at the time! So I personally would not use it but as long as you are aware of the consequences it could come first as does personal well-being. At any point should you feel uneasiness STOP and trust in your decision to stop ... leave it my food for thought.

I read so many people that were possessed after bothering this board. You open up doors you can't close and release both sides of this world. A Ouija board opens up a portal for dark entities to enter your life. Please don't do it. Some people get a ghost box.

Coming from me, I say don't try to use an Ouija Board I have come across hearing many bad incidents experienced by people who try to communicate with the dead using this. The situation would only goes from unsettling and sketchy to worse. Thus, statistically speaking, it is a bad idea. I'd use a audio digital recorder to try to find out whom is present and why. Don't ask so many questions during the EVP session. Give it time, by pausing for a long moment after asking one question...and keep it like this that way you'll be able to hear what reply or response the spirit gives you.

i hope that you didn't try it. they are many other ways to talk to spirits/guides/angels

that board is not a tool its a doorway...its a trick in itself that ends up being no treat!