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Ozark Fae Folk / Little People Encounters & Sightings

Hello everyone. I am looking for people that have personally had encounters or sightings of Fae Folk / Little People specifically in the Ozarks. Have you had an encounter? If so please tell me about it. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and surrounding states. You can message me on here or respond to this thread. We may feature your story in an upcoming documentary. If you would rather talk in private about this tell me and I will give you my email address. We are also looking for advisers in this, we are looking to learn all we can about interacting with this phenomenon and are looking for help learning how to protect ourselves and interact with that world in a safe way without interfering with it.

I'm just looking for ways to connect with those people.

We wouldn't use someones story without full written consent and we wouldn't ever try to push someone to participate if they do not want to or try to contact someone outside the forum without consent from that person. Every story helps in our journy to seeking this out!

I look forward in participating in this forum as I have had a love for the "paranormal" going back to my early childhood!


Welcome Snowblind. Love faerie encounters, although not seen many recently but I do know they are around.

lol I don't understand are the midgets . . . .