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New and need help

Hey y'all! I just joined and am not tech savvy. I can't seem to get into the chat rooms. When I hit enter, it only takes me to a page that says "go back" with no other option then returns me to the enter page. My whole point is to chat with ppl! I'm a reader and have lots to say. I'm a contientious poster with great insight and respect. Please help me!!

Assuming you're on a computer (I haven't tried the site on other devices) - when you're in the 'go back screen' you click on the 2 orange speech bubbles in the bottom right corner, that will bring up the small window, where you click on the 2 white speech bubbles, which will show a list of all the rooms. We're all in the room called Meet & Greet (which you click on to enter)

Hope to see you there!

Hi 🙂

Be sure that you're using google chrome or firefox to enter the chat - internet explorer and other versions don't work very well

And for the rest, I think Maxe has covered it 🙂 see you soon

Chat comes up as a floating box so make sure you have pop up blocker switched off. If its a android phone its in your settings. Also in settings within your browser make sure you browse by 'desktop'. So you can see the chat room window properly. Chat isn't 100% compatible due to the size of the box but we are in the motions of releasing the mobile app which I will announce when ready.

i've tried to access chat using a phone and tablet devices with no success, so I have to use a computer.