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My uncle just passed away

My uncle passed away and I couldn't stay with him recently because of covid restristions as I live in a different country. Can someone tell me how he is? I had no chance to say I love him.

I’m truly sorry to hear this happened to ur uncle, and that you were unable to tell him. When I meditate I can visit with people and get imagery and sometimes even hear them speak. What’s his first name? I can try to visit with him if you like? You know, if you call for him a few times and wait a minute or 2, he will come, and you can tell him in person.

Okay, I meditated, and I’ll tell you what I saw. Hopefully you’re good at charades. I saw coffee being poured into a white cup, milk, and lots of sugar added. Then I saw your uncle momentarily. There was a tree covered in whitish pink flowers. Ur uncle hugged a young girl, who came just up to his chest, she had hair just longer than her shoulders. Her hair was messy and he combed it with a bristle brush. Eggs being cracked into a bowl, and flour was added and dough was made, which was put around some sort and f meat, maybe chicken, and it was deep fried. Oh yes, there were these chocolate covered desert, some sort of cut squares with greenish cream, I hope I have the colour right. He seemed to like his food. Ask saw lemonade being poured into a glass with ice. Then something really unique! There was a large glass bowl, with pink dyed water in it, and there was little glass cups with cream coloured candles floating in the pink water bowl. It was very pretty. Then I saw, I believe, an old looking tractor pulling a piece of equipment. I heard a door close, and some distant talking, then that was it. The hug looked heart felt . I would say he’s doing well, it all was good.

Thank you so much for your reply,his name was Gino.
It all makes sense,he had a restaurant for years and he was cooking and enjoying this kind of food.
The young girl may be his 24 year old daughter.
He really enjoyed candles,meditations and was a very positive and strong person.
Not sure about the meaning of the tractor but everything made total sense.
Thank you again,it was very important and special for me.

You’re welcome , please take care