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Mental Illness, Healing, and Magic

Hello all,

I do not know how many others on this board suffer from mental illness. I suffer mainly from dissociative identity disorder as well as bipolar depression, anxiety, and PTSD secondary to rape trauma as a very young child. I started out doing card reads in high school but my real awakening didn't happen until a few years ago when I was exposed to a cursed house and forcibly awakened by a woman who later cursed me for not entering a relationship with her.

The reason I am writing this post is because I want to share my positive experience with everyone. As I have engaged in healing and meditation along with group therapy, counseling and more innovative brain spotting therapy (it feels close to lucid dreaming, almost), I have been able to integrate two of my personalities and depression and anxiety has lessened. As a result, my magic has grown and stabilized as well as my inner self.

I hope everyone else can find hope and healing as I have, and take care of themselves mentally and emotionally as well as psychically and spiritually. Depression and other mental illnesses really can wreak havoc on ones spiritual and psychic and magic journey!

Hugs and healing and well wishes to all,


Thank you so much for your post. You are truly a strong person to share it with us. It is very heartwarming that you have. I do have PTSD and OCD. You are so correct, mental illness can have severe effects on all aspects of one's health. Several times, I have flash backs, wake anxiety and triggers. The largest is violence to women, children and disabled. Flash backs vary and wake anxiety is all the time. However, the spirit does help. Sometimes, however, like you mentioned, mental illness strikes and it's very important to know how to integrate mental health care and spirituality. You are certainly a blessed soul. Take care!