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Just feeling unresolved

So a couple days after my grandma passed (we were extremely close) I had a dream. She told me she had found my great grandma (her mom) and my grandpa and that they were safe and happy. I don’t really remember much else from the dream except her saying I know you’ll miss me and I love you but if you have more dreams of me and someone looks like me and tries to talk to you just know it’s not me and to stay away from it and ignore it. I don’t know why but ever since then I haven’t had a dream about her but it left this heavy uneasy feeling and I just want to know what she meant by it. I could always sense others emotions and sometimes felt like I could see things that not many others could especially when I was really young I haven’t since I was about maybe 6 I’m now 24 and it just feels unsettling that she would say something like that to me.