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Insight regarding some odd occurrences please?

Hello everyone, I'm excited to be here ๐Ÿ™‚

Firstly, I hope this is the correct place to post my question - please let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

I was drawn here as i have had a few odd things happening over the past week.

I am aware of mercury retrograde and how ppl from your past can get back in touch with you during that time, but since we are not in a mercury retrograde i find it very odd that this is occurring right now.

It has been picking at the back of my mind so i thought i would try and get some insight regrading the meaning or message behind it.

Last week wed - i had a previous colleague that i worked with over 10 years ago reach out to me randomly to say hi and laugh about some memories.

The day before yesterday - i had a friend that did my hair for almost 20 years reach out to to say hi as well because we hadn't been in touch for a couple of years.

and yesterday i had a colleague that i worked with a year ago reach out to me to chat.

I really like all of these people and enjoyed hearing from them and connecting again (so nothing negative associated with any of them for me.

Just thought it was really odd that I have had 3 people from my past contact me in the past week.

Not sure if this is significant or not - but i have been out of work since the summer of last year and have been actively looking for new work.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Please take a look at the word synchronicity. Synchronicity happens when your energy aligns with anothers and these happenstances take place. It may not be connected but as you are putting the vibrations out, synchronicity is likely to take place. Positive does attract alike so the more people that are guided into your path, whether by chance or otherwise proves that they are meant to be there in your life to further your growth and pathway development forwards into your future. All the best, Rose. Ps not a reading as such just some insight.