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Info about Dybbuk items


I was curious if anyone could offer more information about dybbuks either based on literature, research, experience, etc.

I am curious because of its slight trending searches around Zac Bagan's Live video stream on Halloween 2018. Many things have happened around the dybbuk box that he owns.

I have seen that dybbuk items like a dybbuk box are for sale on eBay. I am not intending on buying such an item. Again, I am needing more information about their existence.

Thanks 🙂

Hope that is some help, the only way I've heard of it is through a film called the possession.

Yes, they exist, though the ones on Ebay are likely just minor dark entities, if even that. A true Dybbuk isn't something many can or will mess with. The Dybbuk is said to be an entity born of much unfinished business and, it will attached to and, possibly possess whomever opens that box to finish all of that business.

We don't know if that might include things like committing horrible crimes and, regardless, being possessed is NOT fun, nor is having a possession cleansed (exorcism).