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If anyone is drawn id appreciate a read just on anything that can be picked up in my near future or anything

Just would really appreciate a little insight if it can be givenPicsArt_05-12-05.06.33.jpg

Heres a 3 card reading;


Good luck and fortune are now in your favour. A cycle of change, success, and growth is imminent. Life ebbs and flows in its natural journey, and the Destiny Card signifies that good karma has come full circle- Lady Luck is pointing directly at you. What you sowed, you're about to reap. Open up your heart, and accept and receive what you've earned. Opportunities, whether expected or unexpected, are knocking at your door. This is a time to allow your problems to be replaced by solutions. Believe in destiny as you learn to let go of old issues. You're being given the chance to understand the lessons and gain the wisdom from the past, enabling you to move steadily forward in a positive direction. Holding on to a strong belief that you deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life is the key. This confident mind-set will show you that the impossible can indeed become the possible. With this card, take advantage of all opportunities! Act now, take responsibility for your actions, and enjoy the fact that destiny is presently in your favor. Don't always rely on luck, however, for the wheel most definitely will turn again.


The qualities of this card illustrate spiritual awakening, clarity, the revelation of truth, and cosmic consciousness. At times, it takes a wake-up call to get your attention and show how far you need to go. This card comes forth to do just that. Evaluation of the past, along with the lessons that you've learned or
ill need to understand, must now be a top priority. Doing so will enable you to forgive, accept, and heal so that you can move forward in a balanced, spiritual mind-set. The Truth Card reminds you that a significant change must be made in a certain area of your life. But don't make any hasty decisions; take your time, for any choices or alterations must be weighed and evaluated with the most careful and wisest of judgments Whatever steps you take now will have far- reaching consequences - more than you'll ever know. Using the powers of the Universe and blending them with a little help from the physical world will assist you in bringing about clarity and a shift of awareness. What was once not obvious will now be realized and understood. Be honest with yourself and trust what you know to be true.


As a spiritual being, you have unlimited power at your command. This card represents inner strength, willpower, courage, compassion, generosity, and love. At any moment, these beautiful qualities can assist
you in coping with an adverse condition in
front of you, or the many surrounding your life. Set aside the necessary time to resolve such issues. Power represents more than physical external strength; it can also be channelled emotional you have balance over body, mind, and souland with the power of spirit - anything can be overcome to achieve a positive result. Power and strength can be developed to work in harmony in any given situation. Every obstacle, every error helps build your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. When you make a mistake it's a chance for you to stop, listen, and ask yourself: What am I supposed to be learning here, and how can I make this situation better? Mistakes are great wake-up calls, in that they provide you with opportunities to discover your weaknesses, what needs to be changed and which areas of your life need improving. Equally, they can be blessings in disguise. Just remember: You are power!

I wish things were easier to let go of, i can say the cards seem pretty accurate with the wake up call, hardest thing ive ever had to deal with in my life and its a long road ahead for me which is scary. I really do appreciate the time youd taken there for the read. It means a lot right now