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IBM Oracle Intro

Hello everyone ,
I'm new to this site and also new to being physic , I feel I have many gifts that came from birth but due to some pretty recent tragic events in my life I have had many changes in my physic connection or abilities .
It scares me because I'm not totally understanding what it is that I'm dealing with but I have feelings that there are good and bad entities around me trying to interact on a daily basis especially when I'm trying to sleep .
I had several near death or Nd experiences that after each one I noticed this sound in my ears that has become more and more unavoidable in knowing its there . I have had gone to several doctors to see if I have a medical issue and none could be found even after though investigation and tests . So I turned to another solution , I looked up on the Internet and read some books about what I'm experiencing and it's says that the sound is because I'm residing in both worlds and that sound is the vail that is the partition between the two worlds , I also am able to sense energy on a very large scale ,but it's the most minuet energy that I pick up on . It makes the hair on the back of my head stand up . And that ringing in my ears changes pitch often when this energy is around or close to me , I have had or felt that I'm not alone when there's no one in the room and in my sleep I get awaken by someone whispering my name in my ear or touching my lips .
It's seems so crazy and I dare not tell others because most people don't understand or care to understand that there's a whole realm or world that's parrelle with this one that is a parrelle universe that looks very much like this one but has many different things to it .
I tried to block this out and did all the sage smuging that one person can do and I burn white candles every night to keep my self safe but they still keep coming to me and have a lot to say . But I'm not sure what it is all of the want from or how to help them . And it doesn't matter where I am ,some laces have less activity and some more but all have some kind of physic energy or as many put it souls of the dead .
And they want help from us or me . I guess God has made me the way he has for a reason other wise why would I be like this , the dead follow me and want help doing things that they feel they haven't done in there living life .
If anyone has these issues please contact me through a email or something and please help me learn what to do and how to deal with this in a positive manor for them and myself .

Can anyone give me help

QxyvA S