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I don't know what I am or what to do?

I have been living with abilities ever since I was younger and I need to gain control, I am being spoken to and have seen glimpses of things that others don't but I don't have any control or anyone to teach me I try reading the books and going through the motions, but I'm scared. My abilities will all of a sudden incapacitate me for a few seconds at a time and my body will seem worn down and ragged. Yet when I see a doctor they tell me my health is fine and I shouldn't be suffering from these physical toles. I do my best to keep my mind off of it all and try to ignore the signs but I just keep getting knocked around without anyway to figure out whats going on. I can see shadows of the figures I used to see clearly when I was young. I hear static where there was once a clear voice and in fact I can loose my sight and hearing at sometimes or they will be overwhelmed in situations that don't make anysense.

I've learned how to feel others in more ways than one weither I know them well or not and all of these signs keep putting me in overload where I will all of a sudden over heat and start wishing for a clear path. I havent been that lucky though. I have been looking for a mentor or even just a tutor to instruct me and help me so that I can hear this so called guardian that has been yelling at me for years since I lost the ability to hear him clearly. I need to have control before it begins to drive me mad.

Please someone help me out I would be forever greatful.

do you mediate? sounds like someone is in need of grounding. I too had experiences similar to these and let me tell you. Shadow figures, Lights, the tv, radios etc they all drove me bonkers because of how new I was to my abilities. This appears to be very similar to my awakening and raising of vibration. id love to hear about what you have tried or more of you story please because id love to help.

I agree with ChimeralnMerkabah. I think grounding is needed. You probably DO need to ground yourself.