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hi all:)

Hi I'm karina, most friends call me kaz. I'm from Melbourne Australia. I'm a paediatric nurse, have done this for a while now. I have always known I have been different from others. Have always had this 6th sense, knowing when something is wrong, always wanting to help others. I am an empath. I have some psychic ability, I have had many experiences with people close to me who have passed over, mainly in dreams and seeing signs. I have recently lost my younger sister in the last few months and am trying to find myself again spiritually. I enjoy yoga, meditation, being fit and trying to relax. Am looking to connect with like minded people to nuture this gift, not everyone I come across understands this gift. please come and say hi.

Hello Nice to meet you, my name is Paradox and it is great to know a new gifted talent person here. I have a friend who is in Australia, in same area too. ^^. He is a great guy but handful too and hilarious.

I am more with the UFO department, I own some artefacts the not from the Earth 😀