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Guided meditation with Cheyenne

Hi all

Cheyenne is coming into chat this Friday and will be doing some more guided meditation~ Feel free to come along. The more the merrier

9pm EST, 2am BST, 6pm Pacific time. This Friday (28th July)

oh wow, that 11 am saturday sydney time... im not working saturday- I can come!

♥ Cheyenne ♥

Thank-you for tonight's Guided Meditation, wonderful flowing energies.

Group participation was stunningly beautiful.


Thanks Cheyenne for holding meditation group for us all last night

It was my first time coming, really enjoyed it and as Owl mentioned we had such a great turn out. It was nice to read through others, beautiful visualisations and some important reminders for us all

Looking forward to the next one


Looks like Chey is coming back to do mediations yippee Chey can you advertise a thread for us when where what happens ? xxxx