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flame: element divination

Using Fire for Divination

Have you ever sat down before a beautiful burning log fire that’s crackling in its fiery depths? And relaxed yourself to the point of where you are feeling incessantly calm? And perhaps at that point in time you have sat down in front of the fire, you can begin to relax your awareness so that you begin to pinpoint and using the fire as your window to the energy beyond it, similar as you do with tarot, you select a member’s name from the list or hold the name in the awareness that you’d like to connect to - and ask if you have permission to tune in because you know and intend to tune in positively - at that point - imagery may start to flow through in the sense that you may see, sense, feel, hear through the spiritual or psychic antennae energies through the fire that may translate into messages first and foremost which you can then begin to deliver to whomever you are connecting with at the time! You can use this or you can use a candle flame, personally this option is easier to focus on if you can focus but if you like the real thing in front of you too - light a candle and ask for it to work with you for the highest of intent possible and be careful for when lighting it. Keep it away from children and animals and do not leave it unattended. When finished with linking in afterwards blow it out and envision/ask the smoke to clear the area/space.

Take a moment to visualize this- you are seated in front of a crackling log fire as situated in a hearth-side in a room that’s cosy and warmth which spreads warmth to your heart. Clearly envision this scene in your mind and tweak the visualization as to how you feel is comfortable as to what suits you best. Details are left open for you to fill in as this is your sacred space....

As you begin to relax more; and become more aware of your surroundings to the point where you can see the room that you are in very clearly- you can then focus on the flames in front of you and ask for them to show you things - imagery, patterns, numbers, signs, in relation to your sitter, whatever form it may come forward in is what’s makes itself known to you….

so have a pen and paper handy to jot down or word up after finishing the brief scene for visualization. Once finished enjoying this guided visualization, and link is completed - give thanks to the energies that have made it possible today for delivering of messages to sitter.