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dream of dead relative

Hi I'm new here looking for answers thanks to anyone looking

I usually never dream and if I do I don't remember but I'm going to tell the whole dream the one I'm concerned about is my cousin Stephen we free up together he died about 2011 or so he was murdered but in my dream it was suicide by shotgun he lived down the road from me as well

The dream starts with a huge storm that had came and it collapsed my mother's house who lives above me and somehow I ended up at my cousins house me and my girlfriend had walked in the door and it seemed like it was a little after his "suicide" in the dream the house is exactly as I remember it the lights are all out and he had 2 bedrooms one he used as a chill room one as his bed my girlfriend and I were talking about something she walked by me and I saw my cousin standing looking at me by the closest in his hangout room for a second he was shadowed like a ghost it happened just like a ghost he was there and gone but I see every detail of him so we went back there and there's 2 closets and the lights are on the only lights on in the house and I tried to open the door on the right and when I did I heard a loud bang and shut the door me and my girlfriend talk about something but the last thing she said is my mom wants us to come back I placed the shot gum on the bed and as we're back to the front door a large purple lightning strike fills the house and I wake up

It wasn't like a nightmare I wasn't scared and it's weird because I just can't shake it off I feel like there were 2 presence there but I think the one in the closet was a demon and I wonder if a demon may be holding him or I thought it may be a warning for his mother who lives there because of the suicide thing but It just didn't feel like a dream it felt like I was in a parallel universe again thanks to anyone who reads I'm just wondering if it means anything or not

Interesting shift from murder to suicide........usually ppl who takes the suicide route, they feel life is too much, unable to cope shifted the event to that in your dream..........maybe to you his life had many you mentioned a being was holding him ........again seems to suggest undercurrent energies happening in his if he had a hard time directing his life........the gun represents power the ability to take matters in one's own hands (Mars rules weapons, directing a force)....... your dream mindset wanted him to take more control of his real life when he was alive and you are trying to make sense of events in his life or how he lived his life in a way you wanted him to direct his life to have a purpose and in some way he didn't do that so subconsciously other factors alter his life hence being held by an unknown force (demon)........this explains his actions in real life was not his doing but an outside force/enviorment.......the purple lightning is about raising a vibration it's the area above the head (7th Chakra).......suggesting the need to make sense of his life events.

Demons do not do that it's an ole outdated religious belief and when ppl can't handle things in life the blame someone.

I appreciate the input I really do we were very close and before his death we had grown apart but I never saw the other being only him I felt the door being pushed in I don't really understand much about Chakra I've looked them up and know about where they are but not exactly what they do the 7th would be the pituitary gland right
And I know that there were discrepancy in how he died but I never ever dream and that's what got me and I never really believed people could be held back but it really felt like it was him it does make me feel a lot better you think it's nothing but are you saying demons don't exist or that they don't hold people from crossing over

Just for info he died in a fist fight from a choke hold held for too long breaking the wind pipe I never really thought of it as a murder more of a freak accident and that's why I thought the suicide might be a way of saying he was killed

The term is an ole religious belief and is outdated to scare ppl.