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Do you believe in aliens?

My answer would be a "no". But I know there are! There are 2 ways you can see an alien! Wait until maybe an alien comes by. 😀 Or you can understand existence itself. That would be this topic: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=3001
My avatar is a real alien, somewhere!

there are some artefacts I own that is not from Earth. But yes I do believe in aliens and they are all sorts of different ones there.

There are more than meets the eye, right right?

Yes. But I believe they are known as offworld visitors or star beings, depending on the universal race and what they do. I have seen through the clairvoyance inner vision, when I was in Cambridge, more sightings than what I care to count of ships. Even had them identified through a star worker & friend and the Nation of light communicator at the time of the link. When a line is open its a little bit like mediumship but on the lines of channeling, but on a much higher vibration, usually of healing energy. Odd that I don't see as many in Colchester when I'm around green space though I have heard some, provided it is not a helicopter or National Airways message instead and the universe is giggling at me for opening the line at my end 😀

It would be quite self-centered of us to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. We may not even be as intelligent as we think we are. Humans tend to have this egotistical view that we are the next best thing to sliced bread. There's far more powerful and far more intelligent beings out there that dwarf our existence bar none.

Yes, without doubt. Not necessarily from personal experience, but from weighing the evidence presented in history as well as currently and common sense. (We can't possibly be all there is, this tiny little planet? Come on lol.)

Do I believe in everything people say about them, though? No.

So I'm sort of like... I firmly know they're out there, probably even among us, but I keep an open mind about the specifics.

there is def intelligent life and I do believe in aliens . drakes equation or something like that. so many stars so many galaxies a vast universe . . . there has to be life it would be improbable for there not to be. advanced life to far beyond our advancement. if we consider the age of the universe compared to how old or solar system is we are young . even in solar system let alone a earth lol . such potential for so much life xD

drakes equation is based only on carbon life forms but life could have evolved differently elsewhere

A simple poll to find out how many of our members believe in Aliens (non human entities) and why.

I personally believe that aliens exist. I just can't believe humans can be the only ones is such a vast universe. Unless our known reality isn't real but I think that is for another post at another time

I believe its a very closed mind that believes we are the only life in the entire universes.
Just my opinion 🙂

Do not believe we are the only ones out there. Have reason to suspect, we are far from alone, and for from intelligent. But, do I believe in little green men? No.

Yes... but tend to call them of the stars or intergalactic nation of light or other-worlders, more so than aliens... I think the concept of aliens puts them in a negative light and perspective because a lot of it is misunderstood. I am a firm believer however of beings of light that are universal and who work with the stars, who may be considered out of this world and planet. I am a firm believer of that we are not alone in this very vast universe, though, that are there are many things just hidden beneath the surface of our comprehension of knowledge!

Little green men though? nope no belief there.

Yes, there are an infinite number of planets and stars, and animal/plant species that still have yet to be discovered. I think it would be foolish to think there aren't at least subspecies of humans

Yes I do... and many of them exist right here among us..

There's no reason for me to not believe in them, after all we cannot be alone in an infinite universe of possibilities.
I remember a dream where I saw UFO's and I was getting quite a lot of them but this one was different. A woman came out of one of the UFO's she was of Asian decent however from a planetory system i cannot rember the name of however she mentioned she had been a friend of my mothers for year's. I said to her that where she came from in the universe must be so peaceful and her reply to me was "darling wherever you go in the universe everyone is the same"

Never told my mother about that dream, starting to think I should.

My thoughts on this have changed over the years.
First - yes of course there are other species out there - it would be arrogant to think otherwise.
What happened in the 1950's? - people went UFO crazy - Star Trek, The Mysterons, and obviously- the series UFO, but I believe the true secret behind it all was the US were developing various advanced aircraft (including the helicopter), and would fob off the public with stories of aliens.
But it has only been in the last 15 years that I have become aware that our history on earth has a lot more to do with aliens than evolution. Why would you think an alien visit would only happen to an advanced civilisation? If they have ever visited earth it is far more likely that they have 30,000 years ago than the last 60.
There is evidence there, but is hidden in myths and legend - the only way to keep the knowledge orally, and later written down in religions. There is a universal belief in "Sky Gods" That created us, and were benevolent, but then a period of killing and death when they departed or were angered. Talk of "the first time", a paradise lost, destruction of Atlantis, being cast out of Eden to fend for ourselves- all common themes in various religions.

The physical evidence exists in small artefacts and large building structures - all of which baffle scientists today either as to how they were made or how such large blocks were handled or transported. We are surrounded by the evidence - but nobody wants to say - It was Aliens!

Definitely do. There has to be life somewhere else in the universe. We're definitely not alone.

Some times weird symbols are around in the buildings that people don't know what they mean and all - it can be from those alien languages? I seen some of them when I was in other countries, like on buildings. I even seen few when I was in Egypt.

I took the pictures but I can't find it since it was 4 years ago or more or so when I went there (When there's no chaos going on there).

But I do remember I was figuring it out what they say. I mean it took long, plus I was in college still.