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Do I trust my gut feelings or am I just ruined?

Im not really sure how this works but I would like to speak with someone with the actual ability to tell me if I can trust my gut and am trying to push people away due to a not so great child hood? in particular my S/o . I always feel not good enough and that the littlest of things dont add up so the utter worst things come to my mind. I would just love some clarity or hope or answers im not even sure. thanks for anybody who took the time to read this lol. Xx good vibes to all

Hi. Firstly your gut feelings will not let you down, regardless of the past, and experiences from your childhood. So do trust these into relations with people from your past. Secondly you have a lot of yellow gold energy around you, bringing in with it a lot of questions, that have not been answered. Robin totems also in your life, popping up occasionally as signs from spirit, new beginnings, new transitions, changes are happening bringing in with new friends and a new network connections. You are not alone and are loved and supported collectively as one consciousness. Positivity is with you so trust in your gut feelings.know the new will come in when meant to be.