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There’s this person in my who I actually consider one of my close friends. We’ve known each other for 4 years, but I have feeling for him and I’m too afraid to tell him the truth. Things have happened between us and sometimes he acts like he cares about me, but other times he acts so cold and distant and it makes me feel really bad. I want to know how he views me and if there is any small chance that he feels the same way about me. My D.O.B 11/08/01 his 06/13/01

First off sweet heart having sex with one another is not true love at all, however if you where truly together you would understand true love, right now I feel you have been confused and right now you think of sex in being that true love, when the connection is there it is there, he used you from what I see, he likes you yes, but only for mainly the sex you have given into him, I get a strong urge that he is one that likes to mess with many women, and women tend to think they are also in love with him because of the sexual acts he does, this man I feel is not good for you period, if you choose to be with him he has a cheating nature, he will not be loyal to you even if he says he will, there are multiple women he is seeing right now, and he could care less if he has a woman or loses a woman, my best suggestion for you is to move on, this is not just based from me viewing your message, it is based from what I see in visions, and trust me you can try to change him, but for him he takes it as a joy ride, he does not respect women, he can be nice I feel and maybe he wants to settle down, but right now hlI feel he thinks he is just living the good life, so be careful and just move on if possible...

Thank you I felt the same way so that’s why I was doubting about telling him what I feel. I care about him as a friend and I hate that he is this way.