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A very long story

Hi, I'm new here, nice to meet you all.

I have been writing the same story for about ten years. I have written several novel length drafts of about 80,000 words. Every time I write creatively I always return to this story (albeit in different forms, even if I don't intend to).
The story begins with a female energy emerging from "the blue". Energy is drawn from her and scattered across multiple realities. The story is narrated by the female and follows a character called Angela (the embodiment of the narrator's lost energy) in various fragments of reality.
The story is extremely complex and consequently I have been unable to satisfactorily complete it. I should say I am an experienced writer and previously completed a novel.
I am not channelling the story directly - ie I am not listening to a voice and transcribing (I wish!) But clearly it is coming from somewhere. I feel the story lifts the lid on many aspects of our being/existence and thus provokes resistance, so writing is often very difficult.

I don't see any way forward. I can't seem to complete it (it really is never ending, like a giant jigsaw puzzle which spreads out further than I can see), and I can't escape from it.

Comments or suggestions or questions welcomed

Ask the story to end, perhaps. And let the story guide you forwards into writing what to do next. Keep writing though, when you stop, it may be on block for a while, but at least during that time you can ask your writer guide for inspiration to complete it.

Welcome to the site, by the way. Join us in the group chatroom when able if you wish to 🙂

Thanks for your response, CelticRose. I have uploaded an avatar (which is actually the avatar of the story).

The story is called The Colour Blue, and it belongs to the narrator, not me, which I think is part of the problem. Another part of the problem is, I don't think it has an end. Back in 2010 I was hit by an urge to write something new (I hadn't written anything for several years). And this ensued. As far as I can see the purpose of the story is to describe aspects of our reality in precise detail. At times it's very concrete, at others "dreamlike". The underlying premise is that everything is equally real. Every event, dream, thought or fantasy is an aspect of a wider, fragmented reality. The fragments though are not hard edged. They flow in and out of one another. And the story is trying to encompass all this in 3D language. So it's fascinating and exhausting and very slippery, very hard to hold in the mind.

Also, I should say I don't think the narrator is a guide as this is normally conceived. She comes from somewhere very far away, and contact only seems possible through writing.

Anyway, maybe I could try the chatroom as you suggest. What are the best times to do this?

Journal everything you get from the writer guide for the story. Write it down - it doesn't matter how it comes out just churn it out, the creativity is there and more inspiration is brewing. Better yet it can become a series that needs to be heard. Sounds like you got a good thing going on there. Chat is open 24/7 so just pop in, you may need to register a new account with chat but feel free to come in and talk to me and others anytime about writing and auto writing. I haven't written much lately but I can share you a thread to my own works if you want to see them.

Ok, if you post a link to your writing I'll take a look. Thanks!

I will do, its posted in the members shared talents section on forums. I'll find the link for you in a jiffy.

Celtic Rose, in a previous reply you said: it can become a series that needs to be heard.

Can you give me anything else that comes if you focus on this statement. It doesn't have to be coherent, make sense or even be obviously related. I will explain why I ask this later - I don't want to condition your response.

Thanks for your help!

Yes of course. All stories have their consciousness voice of the narrator. The narrative communicator In spirit ensures it is channelled from spirit. Like auto writing. You have a creative gift there that is flowing. You just need to ask your guide to help you tap into the creative energy of this series and write. Keep abreast of this new ideas as is all new info you can apply to the storyline.

That it is NEVER ending implied that every ending is a new beginning and life still goes on.