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A precence my bf feels around him?

My boyfriend says he feels there's a presence attached to him and is wondering if anybody can pick anything up about this,would be very grateful of Anything thankyou

Hi Lisa,
I don't usually do readings often but felt drawn to your post. The presence seems to be very kind almost like a guardian angel. I believe its a male possibly his grandfather or great grandfather. He's not threatening in any way just there to help protect and watch out for him. I hope this helped you all.

Hi there!!. As soon as I saw ur pic,I was instantly given a huge feeling of friendship. As spirit draws close to me I feel strongly that this presence that he feels is that of a friend.
A strong male vibration is certain and I feel this person would have had a strong personality. I feel that this friend has been trying to grab his attention in many ways and I sense that ur by has been trying to justify these signs? Well let's say that this guy is strong and will show that he is around ur bf. I have more but will post this for now . P.s u both are a great match and will remain strong

Hi Thankyou so much for the replys 🙂 yes he never knew what to make of it but was aware of something. Ooh more?? In what way crystal xxx

I feel a very feminine energy near him and i feel the right side he seems to get a cold sensation on his neck that sends shivers down his spine i feel a grandmother because this energy feels very protective but not overly dominant. she obseves and watches from a distance. He has deep eyes seems to be very verbal a great communicator and close to his mom the very feminine side of the spectrum i feel he knows how to treat a woman and is the provider and supporter or wants to be in the future He holds these values near and dear from his mother or grand mother .