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A Course In Miracles

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Awesome class.... homebound... I couldn't have sat and watched through a good class.... glad I came along now and even listening to other peoples experiences.....

I was raised by church of england faith originally, but have explored myself to the point where I know now it has to be this path for me. The Experience though, the one that changed my life and got me into this path and I've never looked back personally because it has been a learning curveball of experiences flung at me, one that I happily took the mantle on at the time and learned the hard one does when one isn't listening in the natural sense of the word!

Some of my experiences have been fairly minor, but others have been fairly major influences. I actually started learning about the aura back in college. I started by picking up a couple of self-help books trying out certain exercise to find out what colour my aura was, but thinking back it may even have gone back further than that to a time when I must have had an eagle totem bird step forward and peck an W shape on the fleshy part of my thumb on the vein and it is still there to this day, clearly seen.

I suppose the next stages of my learning and development happened because I asked it to, thinking back. I wanted to hear spirit at the age of 13, I'd asked this question when I was still at school, it wasn't until I reached seventeen years old that I had my awakening moment of aha realizations... in which I did have a broadcasting session that sounded loudly in my mind / awareness, it was a experience that I cannot deny because I had lacked self-control at that point so it was a lesson well learned on that one. I called that a break through and awakening in that sense of the word as it opened up my senses to hear, feel, see, and sense spirit in general as friendly thoughts & voices that weren't my own. They filter into my awareness when its quiet and when they are there and present connection is there in a positive way, not as a negative way.

But, after I managed to close down and get that broadcasting session under control, it had opened up the clairaudience and also the clairvoyance as well as clairsestience which I could feel before that. So it was in essence, a kick-starter to my path of learning how to work with spirit. I gradually got used to seeing them though and knew they weren't of harm to me and most of the time they would come forward as white apparition form full body energy....they still do now but are more or less as they would be as people before they passed over but more or less are in my mind/awareness inner vision now rather than external clairvoyance vision... out of the mind's eye but in the physical... and yes this also triggered the realization that there was more to the world out there than what it seemed...

As for Gods and Goddesses for what I believe in can connect by the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine/The Divine in general.... this path that I was on actually was what triggered my faith in my intuition and in my higher self and reconnecting as I found true self along it as well..... still continuing this path at least over 10 years on-wards and upwards and haven't looked back since....

Belief is what matters, have faith in yourself and listen, trust to your own listening voice, you won't go far wrong
and you'll always be set on the right path close to your heart....

thanks for the awesome class homebound it was my first time to attend 🙂

and i would like to share my own experience about the challenges ive faced on my belief maybe a few brief of about what is my religion too

I was raise and born as a Roman Catholic all of my mother side is a Roman Catholic as well so maybe that is why our family are really devoted to Catholic religion beliefs but even so I still have those times that I got challenges of my beliefs and this is one of those challenges.

When I was a fresh college student I used to have certain weird dreams on ber months starting from September to December it was a dark silhouettes. Back then it wasn’t much scary because they are just there staring at me or suddenly pops out in my dream but the fact that they are always there in a certain months started to scare me .My cousin used to say that I shouldn’t be afraid or else it will take me away or posses me or worse and I did but since my grandma died due to sleeping that is when it triggers me to be afraid again and the dark silhouettes to be more aggressive they started to chase me in my dream and whispers to me in a languages that I don’t even know .The worse part of it is that my certain dreams is more realistic because I thought I was awake but I’m dreaming. The last dream that I had with dark silhouettes was in a wasted land I can’t remember much what I was doing back then but when those dark silhouettes pop out it suddenly awakened my awareness that I know I was dreaming. You know those times when you are aware you are dreaming then you suddenly woke up? Well I did or so I though. When I woke up it was raining outside of the house and I search for my mom. So I went to our store hoping that I might find her but unfortunately she wasn’t so I went back to the house and I find those dark silhouettes and they are more vivid they become monstrous with claws I got scared and ran away but before I reach the exit they got me and for some reason there’s a small girl wearing a black dress who came down the stairs staring down at me while I’m being held down by those dark monstrous things and she came closer to me and to my surprise see looks like me well kind of or more like a twin but she is a polar opposite? My hair is curly hers is straight we have the same face but her expression it’s scary but I feel sad from her look. I forgot what she did but I think she orders those monsters to take me down with their claws and that is when I started to pray. I said God I sorry I’m not the best kid you had and sometimes I forget about you but I know for certain you never abandon us no matter what because I believe in you. I was in a state that I couldn’t speak back then because I feel that I have some sore throat or something but for some reason I manage to shout the word “God” and that is when I finally woke up drenched in sweat and started to run outside it was a sunny day after that I pray and said thank God for not abandoning me thank you .My eyes got teary and its okay I’m glad that I’m alive and well im glad God didn’t forget about me and that’s when I knew God is good he will be always there for you no matter what in tough times and good times he will be always there.

hi homey

its was September 13th 5 days after my 30th birthday ... my ex was violent and a complusive gambler that night i asked him to leave . He did and left his keys behind. i was watching tv and heard a voice say ' wat ever u do dont open the back door' seconds later there was a banging on the back door . I freaked and double locked it by kicking the peg in the lock. adam said aren't u going to let dad in . I said no its time for bed. i could hear thunder coming towards us . then I heard the voice say pray so i prayed .. then the voice said pray louder , me and adam were both praying . then the voice said let go of ur son . i said i'll never let go of my son i look into him eyes and they are all black . then the thunder gets closer and an invisible force hits us in the tummy and we scream . something was released from us then there is peace . i put adam to bed and tell him to say Thank you to God .

hug Shell

My personal experience that impacted my core belief system:

I was maybe 6 and sicker than dog. I didn't want ice cream. I didn't have it in me to eat a popcycle. I was too weak to defend myself when I overheard my mother and grandmother in the kitchen talking about how I was just faking and only wanted attention.

I don't remember how long I was sick, but one day I woke up and I felt great! YAY !!! So I got up and ran outside to play. But once I ran outside, I had to stop in my tracks. The day was so beautiful! Blue sky. Soft grass. Warm breeze. I looked around and thought "What a beautiful day to be healthy!" Then, a voice spoke in my head and asked me a question. The voice was very kind and loving and gentle and asked "And what are you going to do with this beautiful day?"

In my innocent mind, I figured that voice must have been God, and I said "I'm gonna be good for my mom and dad. I'm not going to be any trouble today, and I'm going to PLAY!!!" And off I ran to enjoy that beautiful day.

Anyways, that experience is why I see God as loving. I could hear it in his voice.

Unread post  Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:04 am

I was raised strict WELS Lutheran, the church and school a block from the house. youngest of 5. I believed so in God, yet my mother also was aware of her abilities, so from a young age we would play what she called the ESP game. We just knew things. Able to answer questions while I slept without awareness of such things if I had been awake. So it wasnt a new thing, the responsibility of it was another. In 2000 when Mars took its place in alignment, 911, all energies of my abilities seemed to burst into blossom. It me, was this I was able to do?

So I got pissed, and I researched religions, solar placement, solar time, universal time our time, how it all fit, I ran to the bible and followed threads that no one else seemed to ask, and when I got to Saul, and the splitting of mythology and chirstians, enoch. I was even more angry, how could religion become so politcally gained. Yet it was easy to see. I was like how dare they lie to mankind.

The more I researched and explored my abilities the more I realized how scary it is, what if all had these abilities, and all didnt use them for good. I taught myself through history, found the threads of truth - made the common denominators - from 5 religions - realized that they could not change global events or the heavens even in scripture - and clung, to the words of Jesus out side the gaits of Jerusalem. All you need is within.

So I say strongly to anyone who will hear, Be certain that your belief, is worthy of that belief, for it has value. YOU have value

Let your weird little light shine so the other weirdos can find you.



I am here last with my story. This was back in 1990 and I was reading every book in the libruary of Guam on positive thinking and spiritual growth, I ran out of books to read, I had read them all. I was going to a Catholic church - they are all Catholics over there. I liked it, loved the people, but it was a bit different . I got home and heard a voice - "read the bible" - i thought no, it's high on top shelf. but the voice insisted "read the bible" so I got a chair and dragged it to the kitchen to the top shelf to pull down the bible. I took it to the couch and I heard "open it" and when I did a light came to me. I followed this light and it took me through the entire bible on everything to do with wisdom, then everything to do with love. I was most amazed. To this day this light is still with me. I see it as a living being, helping me along my path.



Homebound’s class 9/17/17

9:01 PM dae: 9:00 PM Homebound: first, I want to thank all who posted their experiences

9:00 PM migizi: no problem

9:00 PM dae: and send dae in the bad girl corner

9:01 PM Homebound: can't have a bad girl corner in a round room dae   

9:01 PM migizi: wb owl

9:02 PM Homebound: okay, I want your opinions on your own experiences. Who here personally believes their experience was miraculous?

9:02 PM dae: I am copying the class for those who would like information from it at a later date

9:02 PM migizi: homie might want to make corner

9:02 PM Homebound: oohh ty dae   

9:02 PM Owlscrying: thank you dae hugs
9:03 PM Homebound: past couple of weeks Chey, we discussed personal experiences that impacted our core belief systems.

9:04 PM Homebound: then we discussed struggles we've encountered that challenged our core belief systems

9:06 PM Homebound: okay, this week I want to discuss whether you personally believe your experience was miraculous in any way?

9:06 PM Homebound: raise your paw if yes

9:05 PM Homebound: you all remember that, right?

9:05 PM Cheyenne: ok

9:05 PM migizi: yes

9:05 PM SamanthaJ: yes

9:05 PM Homebound: April, did you share your experience?

9:05 PM Weaverofdreams: yes

9:05 PM Owlscrying: I do home

9:05 PM migizi: i missed struggles

9:06 PM Homebound: okay, this week I want to discuss whether you personally believe your experience was miraculous in any way?

9:06 PM Homebound: raise your paw if yes

9:06 PM Homebound raises paw

9:06 PM dae: absolutely

9:06 PM Homebound: migz?

9:06 PM Weaverofdreams: pondering which part

9:06 PM migizi: yes

9:07 PM Homebound: Sam? gypsy?

9:07 PM Homebound: hi kim

9:07 PM kimorents: hi homey

9:07 PM Seagypsy: I wasnt here last week homey

9:07 PM migizi: Weaverofdreams i was pondering to but looked at it as a whole

9:07 PM Weaverofdreams: ty

9:07 PM Homebound: today we are discussing opinions

9:07 PM SamanthaJ: generally , yes

9:07 PM Homebound: were our experiences miraculous?

9:07 PM Weaverofdreams: yes

9:07 PM kimorents: opinions on what

9:08 PM Homebound: okay, now tell me why you feel that way - one at a time please

9:08 PM Homebound: I will go first - I believe mine was miraculous because I never before heard a voice from nowhere

speak to me in my head

9:09 PM Homebound: and ask me a question with kindness

9:09 PM Homebound: yep - I'm saying miracle!   

9:09 PM Seagypsy: ok I get it now excuse me I am sleep deprived

9:09 PM Homebound: awww gypsy   

9:10 PM Homebound: dae, you want to go next?

9:10 PM dae: sure -

9:12 PM Homebound: you all can type yours up if you wish ahead of time to share when it is your turn

9:12 PM Homebound: in notepad or word document

9:12 PM dae: Yes I definately say miracle - not only did I hear a kind voice tell me to read my bible but the voice insisted on it and kept on insisting on it till I gave in - then a light came to me that led me through the bible on everything written on wisdom - then  love - and it continued for years - I still sometimes see the light

9:12 PM Homebound: that is incredible dae   

9:13 PM dae: thank you homebound - it really was

9:14 PM Homebound: kim, you want to share why or why not your experience that impacted your core belief system was a miracle or not?

9:14 PM Weaverofdreams: very nice, isnt it something so many seem to run to the bible first thing, and always seem to find something within it for them

9:14 PM Homebound: we can just go down the list

9:14 PM Weaverofdreams: I can Home but I am wordy

9:14 PM Homebound: okay Weaver - go!

9:15 PM Weaverofdreams: Sorry ahead of time for its length...

9:15 PM dae: that is fine weaver take your time

9:17 PM Weaverofdreams: It took a miracle or a series of several for me to question my core beliefs. It took a realization of great losses, to see the gains. I find that the fact that I was awoken through the miracles in itself was a miracle.

9:17 PM Weaverofdreams: tried to make it short der   go   

9:17 PM Homebound: what did you consider a miracle Weaver?

9:18 PM Homebound: is okay Weaver. never mind   

9:18 PM Weaverofdreams: That I had the strength to question my faith and because of the occurrences that were happening, it was my choice to do so

9:18 PM Cheyenne: i don’t think I have ever questioned my core beliefs

9:18 PM kimorents: so many to chose from one day in a dispairing

conversaton with my ex he stated i just can not make you happy and a calm came over me and i heard clearly happiness is in you its no one else that can affect your joy or sorrow. i knew i had peace and i was happy and i looked at him and said who ever said i was not happy or that its your job to do so and the faith has always remained that i am that peace if i chose to see it.

9:18 PM Homebound: Weaver   

9:19 PM Weaverofdreams: that is awesome Kimo

9:19 PM Cheyenne: awesome kimo and weaver and dae

9:19 PM dae: my experience just reinforced what I already believed

9:20 PM Homebound: wonderful kim   

9:20 PM kimorents: same dae

9:20 PM Weaverofdreams: that in itself can be scary

9:20 PM Weaverofdreams: knowing its real

9:20 PM migizi: awesome

9:20 PM Homebound: yes - acceptance helps

9:21 PM Homebound: there is a reason I am asking this of you.

9:21 PM Homebound: migz, you writing yours?

9:21 PM Homebound: and gypsy?

9:21 PM Seagypsy: yes

9:22 PM migizi: yes

9:22 PM Homebound: when all is said and done, you will discover that you have already expanded your perception of what a miracle is.

9:22 PM migizi: awesome

9:23 PM dae: if anyone has notepad - you may if you wish write story up on it then copy paste for the room

9:23 PM kimorents: .

9:23 PM Seagypsy: I believe the event of overhearing my fathers story is miraculous as I wasn’t meant to hear it. Something made me be awake and crawl out of bed to listen. I was meant to hear it and set my beliefs for life. I have never questioned them.

9:24 PM kimorents: awesome sea

9:24 PM Weaverofdreams: Lovely

9:24 PM Homebound: you realize that none of your experiences included walking on water or changing water to wine or raising the dead.’

9:24 PM Homebound: meant to be overheard gypsy love

9:24 PM Cheyenne: lol

9:24 PM kimorents: well um

9:24 PM Cheyenne: awesome sea

9:24 PM migizi: ok i have time to change mine lol

9:24 PM dae: wonderful sea love

9:25 PM Seagypsy: ...the changing water to wine might be nice though....

9:25 PM migizi: sea that is awesome

9:25 PM Weaverofdreams: it does something changes our lives...

9:25 PM Homebound: yes!

9:26 PM kimorents: it can touch others and you may never know how that tiny change of faith inpacted things around us

9:26 PM Weaverofdreams: Engrained even if we do not want to accept it, doesnt go away. sort a thing.. just saying

9:26 PM Homebound: and that is the important thing; to recognize the scope of a miracle - very very big! Lol

9:26 PM Weaverofdreams: Yes Home ~ ~

9:26 PM kimorents: yes

9:27 PM Homebound: that is true kim and thank you for bringing that up

9:27 PM Cheyenne: homey do you belive miracles can happen in the sad & hard times

9:26 PM kimorents: yes

9:27 PM Homebound: that is true kim and thank you for bringing that up

9:27 PM Cheyenne: homey do you belive miracles can happen in the sad & hard times

9:27 PM Homebound: migz, we are still waiting for you.

9:27 PM Weaverofdreams: In 1980, I wasn’t ready for what I was to be, the wisdom per say. So I think that spirit shook me loose from the branches. lol

9:27 PM migizi: ok i was reading everything

9:28 PM dae: especially then Cheyenne

9:28 PM kimorents: agree dae

9:28 PM Seagypsy: agree dae

9:28 PM migizi: Yes I believe it was - Watching my self leave my body and having a discussion with my grandma. Also almost hitting the ground on my bike and being picked back up before I hit the ground. That same night seeing an angel and it waved and smiled at me. Also being able to see things. Sometimes things startle me. I do get spooked. I think I need another miracle to be bale to relax and understand what is going on.

9:28 PM Cheyenne: i think so too dae

9:28 PM Homebound: ty migz hug

9:29 PM kimorents: hugs mig

9:29 PM Homebound: yes Chey, I think that is possible in sad times too

9:29 PM Homebound: I want to get back to the beginner lessons to reinforce a couple of things

9:29 PM Weaverofdreams: Sometimes I think our Will causes interference with Miracles, delays them, alters the path. So the best outcome, for all is the best desired I reckon.

9:30 PM migizi: I was messing with my grandpa tool box and in the other room i heard foot steps and i ran out spooked

9:30 PM Weaverofdreams: I must go for now God Bless ~ ~

9:31 PM migizi: it was probably my grandpa but i think the reason i was spooked I never knew my grandpa he died before i was born

9:31 PM Homebound: 1 - according to Kaballah, if you are able to pass on joy to another, that is a miracle

9:31 PM Homebound: something that simple

9:31 PM Joshua : Would be nice to hear from people you lost

9:32 PM Homebound: 2 - according to ACIM, what is our main tool

to create miracles?

9:33 PM Homebound: okay - our tool is forgiveness.

9:34 PM Homebound: so, those two very simple things - giving happiness, giving forgiveness = ability to create miracles

9:34 PM Homebound: and everybody here has shared their miraculous experiences

9:34 PM Homebound: consider that miracle a part of a chain reaction

9:35 PM Homebound: it impacted you - and you impacted others because of your core beliefs

9:35 PM Homebound: and don't think for a moment that you don't impact others in some way or another

9:36 PM kimorents: i was looking for a book about how miracles can come from heart ache by an acim person but i can not find it

9:37 PM Homebound: aww kim love thanks for trying

9:37 PM kimorents: so bk now

9:37 PM Homebound: next week maybe

9:37 PM Homebound: you will have time to fine it

9:37 PM kimorents: probably gave it away lol

9:37 PM Cheyenne: love

9:38 PM Homebound: so, your faith was never challenged?

9:38 PM Cheyenne: no

9:38 PM Seagypsy: not true it is challenged many times

9:38 PM Homebound: you never screamed at God? shook your fist at YAWA?

9:39 PM dae: oh my faith has been challenged, and I have kinda walked away ---- but never fully

9:39 PM kimorents: not me i am an angel

9:39 PM kimorents: lol

9:39 PM Cheyenne: oh i take that back i have asked why me lots

9:39 PM dae: I have never been mad at God

9:39 PM Homebound: I suppose looking back on my bad years, I still believed it God - I just didn't think he care about me

9:40 PM kimorents: lol cheif lol his butt of at me chey did you hear it

9:40 PM Cheyenne: 🙂

9:40 PM Cheyenne: lol

9:40 PM Homebound: so I was mad at Him

9:40 PM Homebound: and everybody and the world

9:40 PM Cheyenne: I dont think I have ever been mad at him

9:41 PM Homebound: I assure you I have

9:41 PM Cheyenne: I have asked him why's and he showed me

9:41 PM Seagypsy: I don’t think I was ever mad at Him. I questioned what occurred perhaps

9:41 PM Homebound: but I am OLD !!! rofl -

9:41 PM kimorents: pfft your eternal

9:41 PM Cheyenne: lol

9:41 PM Cheyenne: exactly

9:41 PM Aprilr81: I have gotten mad at God in the past

9:41 PM Homebound: hmm - mine must have been really bad cause I barely made it out alive! Rofl

9:42 PM Cheyenne: i have had struggles like that homey but i didn’t blame god i blamed others

9:42 PM Homebound: there you go - April has been mad at God

9:43 PM migizi: I have to

9:43 PM Homebound: hmm - I blamed myself... I was a worthless stupid fool and the joke was on me

9:43 PM Aprilr81: I've never blamed God

9:43 PM Homebound: but I'm over all that now - spiritual growth through trial

9:43 PM dae: I have always understood free will got us here in the mess we are in lol

9:43 PM Aprilr81: Just got mad things didn't go the way I wanted

9:43 PM Cheyenne: yes homey love

9:43 PM Seagypsy: But He proved you otherwise didn’t He>?

9:43 PM migizi: I didn’t understand why he took the good people out of my life and let me go down a path of swearing smoking and drinking

9:43 PM Homebound: true dae lol

9:43 PM kimorents: well said dae

9:44 PM Cheyenne: free will Migizi

9:44 PM migizi: but now I get it. To help those that have travelled down the same path

9:44 PM Aprilr81: Yes, He proved to me otherwise that my way wasn't good

9:44 PM kimorents: and free will can get us out thru love and forgivness

9:44 PM Homebound: oh and Chey - during those bad years, I had a miraculous lucid dream come to me

9:44 PM Cheyenne: cool details ?

9:45 PM Homebound: didn't understand why he let you hey migz? icic - free will

9:45 PM Homebound: it is in the old forums Chey - it is too long to tell

9:45 PM Seagypsy: He lets you so you can find your way back and be stronger.

9:45 PM Cheyenne: oh okay cool

9:45 PM kimorents: i smoke drink and cuss and still am an angel rofl

9:46 PM Cheyenne: lol

9:46 PM migizi: rofl

9:46 PM Homebound: just like he let the prodigal son go, and gave a party when he came back

9:46 PM migizi: ok im not perfect im still that person but i have respect for others

9:46 PM migizi: i don’t down grade people

9:46 PM kimorents: yes love

9:47 PM migizi: i hate when people do it to me

9:47 PM migizi: one reason im going to look for a new job

9:47 PM Cheyenne: yes never a reason to down on people agree migizi

9:47 PM Homebound: that is tough migizi, when it's going on at work

9:48 PM kimorents: allowing and understanding each person is doing the best they know how to at the time helps forgive the dream

9:48 PM Cheyenne: wow just had a deja vu

9:48 PM dae: cool

9:48 PM Homebound: thank you kim. so true!

9:48 PM dae: cool

9:48 PM Homebound: thank you kim. so true!

9:48 PM migizi: i agree

9:48 PM Homebound: we think it is so hard to forgive, and sometimes it is.

9:48 PM migizi: we need more people like us

9:49 PM Homebound: don't worry right now if forgiving a big thing is too hard to do. start with the little stuff

9:49 PM Cheyenne: it can be very hard sometimes homey to forgive

9:49 PM Homebound: really, practice and you get better at it

9:49 PM Homebound: yes Chey, I acknowledge that.

9:49 PM Aprilr81: Agreed Chey

9:49 PM dae: the thing that gets me - is the prayer - forgive us AS we forgive others

9:49 PM Homebound: yes yes dae

9:50 PM Cheyenne: true dae

9:50 PM Homebound: remember the unity of us is really helpful

9:50 PM kimorents: you know the holy spirit is working when you see that your not even angry but want to and then realize your acting silly i have done that often

9:50 PM Homebound: *remembering - we are one

9:50 PM Homebound: makes it easier to forgive

9:51 PM migizi: one thing that is in my head when someone judges me or someone i know Thou shall not judge if thou does not want to be judged

9:51 PM kimorents: i want to have this silly tantrum and you here yep its silly but go ahead

9:51 PM kimorents: smh

9:51 PM migizi: them selfs

9:51 PM Homebound: and another huge thing that makes it easier to forgive is understanding we don't really know the other person's story

9:51 PM kimorents: so true

9:51 PM migizi: so true

9:51 PM Cheyenne: true homey

9:52 PM Homebound: there is a lot we don't know

9:52 PM Homebound: acknowledge we don't know

9:52 PM Homebound: and forgive the perceived error

9:52 PM migizi: i will be honest

9:53 PM Homebound: and what is the one thing that keeps us from achieving miraculous deeds?

9:53 PM migizi: there is one person in my lifteim i have not forgave

9:53 PM kimorents: fear

9:53 PM Cheyenne: lack of faith

9:53 PM dae: The beginning of patience is finding the light of God in the most vile person - easier to forgive if we can do that

9:53 PM Homebound: well not what I was looking for

9:53 PM Aprilr81: guilty of that...lack of faith

9:53 PM Homebound: EGO

9:54 PM Homebound: ego feels the need to defend itself

9:54 PM migizi: ego is a big one

9:54 PM Cheyenne: yes ego as well

9:54 PM kimorents: oh yes that well its what creates fear

9:54 PM Aprilr81: Ah, yes, ego

9:54 PM kimorents: so i was half right

9:54 PM kimorents: lol

9:54 PM Homebound: ego REACTS to outside triggers

9:54 PM migizi: 50% is still a f lol

9:54 PM Homebound: lol

9:54 PM kimorents: sigh

9:54 PM Cheyenne: lol

9:55 PM Homebound: look past ego to the spirit within and recognize your brother

9:55 PM Homebound: well I think it's cool all of you have been so faithful regardless of your challenges

9:56 PM Cheyenne: I think my challenges have made my faith stronger

9:56 PM kimorents: i think so to chey they are opportunities to chose love and faith

9:57 PM Cheyenne: some of them i wouldn’t have been able to get through without my faith

9:57 PM dae: mistakes turn us away for a time I think

9:57 PM Homebound: oh yes dae, but a mistake is only a mistake love and they can be corrected

9:58 PM Homebound: there is no need for punishment over a mistake

9:58 PM kimorents: but then they teach us dae as well that error can be corrected and we grow stronger when we gain more faith agian

9:58 PM Cheyenne: true homey

9:58 PM kimorents: i think

9:58 PM dae: yes homebound

9:58 PM Homebound: yes kim?

9:58 PM Cheyenne: true kim

9:58 PM Aprilr81: I beat myself up pretty bad when I make a mistake.

9:58 PM Homebound: nm kim - I gotcha

9:59 PM Homebound: April, how old are you again?

9:59 PM Aprilr81: 36

9:59 PM Cheyenne: April81 i think we are harder on ourselves sometimes

9:59 PM Seagypsy: yes when you are young you do it more to yourself

9:59 PM Homebound: oohh hun it is time to stop beating yourself up

9:59 PM Homebound: true gypsy

10:00 PM dae: April that only hurts you hun - and that can be as bad as the mistake - we should never put ourselves down or think to highly of ourselves, but try and find the balance - easier said than done

10:00 PM kimorents: agree when we get older we go oops and laugh at ourselves and it over

10:00 PM Homebound: don't worry what others think of that mistake - it was only a mistake and you should not be judged harshly for that

10:00 PM Cheyenne: I think one thing we need to ask ourselves april81 is would be be as hard on another if they made the same mistake as we did

10:00 PM Aprilr81: I'm slowly learning to move forward

10:01 PM Homebound: you deserve to know peace and happiness within

10:01 PM Aprilr81: I know at work lately, I have felt like I wasn't good enough

10:01 PM Homebound: and I assure you, they are not "out there"

10:02 PM Homebound: that is a bad feeling April. I've been there and with judgmental people just makes it worse

10:02 PM dae: the kingdom of heaven is "within"

10:02 PM Aprilr81: I finally had to tell myself that I'm still new there and I'm going to have stop letting one person there make me feel like poop, aside from myself.

10:03 PM Seagypsy: aww tough situation my daughter in law going thru same thing

10:03 PM Homebound: it seems stress and hardship just cannot be escaped in this world, so we have to find satisfaction elsewhere... within

10:03 PM Homebound: april hug

10:03 PM Cheyenne: agree homey

10:03 PM Homebound: you hang in there hun

10:04 PM Aprilr81: I am

10:04 PM Seagypsy: Just keep shining april hug

10:04 PM Aprilr81: Yesterday, I walked into work and didn't let that person bother me

10:04 PM Homebound: yay you!

10:04 PM dae: hug april hug

10:04 PM Cheyenne: good for you don’t let them define your happiness

10:05 PM Aprilr81: Sometimes we have to give ourselves a pep talk

10:05 PM Seagypsy: yes

10:05 PM Homebound: well, my lesson for today is over. thank you for sharing your opinions.

Homebound’s class 9/24/17

9:04 PM Homebound: if you can share God's light and love with another in this dark world, that is a miracle
9:05 PM Homebound: that is from the Kaballah lesson
9:05 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you are not dark if you are light
9:05 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: the world cannot be dark if your manifestations are light
9:05 PM Homebound: from my other beginner class - there was one huge obstacle to manifesting miracles. does anyone remember what that is?
9:06 PM kimorents: ego
9:06 PM Homebound: yes!!!
9:06 PM Still Small Voice: Ego really blocks a lot of things
9:07 PM Homebound: ego is our biggest obstacle. who here can give me some differences between ego and spirit?
9:07 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: my next life i wish to be one light particle who begets his/her own universe
9:07 PM kimorents: love is spirit and fear is of ego
9:07 PM Homebound: how about 1% and 99% ?
9:08 PM Still Small Voice: Ego does not know about spirit or Being because it is up there in our mind and does not understand it.
9:08 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: i love you, homebound, what is 1%?
9:08 PM Homebound: Ego is only interested in self preservation
9:08 PM kimorents: agree ssv
9:08 PM Homebound: well, who here can tell me what is the 1%? and what is the 99% ?
9:09 PM Homebound: what we can sense with our senses - hear, taste, touch, smell, see - that is all 1% of our reality
9:10 PM kimorents: 99% still alseep and !% fully awake
9:10 PM Homebound: the other 99% is spirit
9:10 PM Homebound: we are just about all spirit, but are deceived with our senses
9:10 PM kimorents: yes
9:11 PM Still Small Voice: Physical does decieve us
9:11 PM Homebound: yet we still believe our eyes
9:11 PM Homebound: but since we are inundated with sensory input, be often believe that is all there is
9:11 PM Homebound: and forget about the unseen
9:12 PM Still Small Voice: It's like we are in the matrix
9:12 PM Still Small Voice: like the move Enter the Matrix
9:13 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: our bodies give us unnecessary sensory
9:13 PM Homebound: but we believe it is all true
9:13 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: emotion is real
9:13 PM Homebound: but which emotions do we want to manifest?
9:13 PM Homebound: this is where ego came in
9:13 PM kimorents: to distract us from love seeing clearly
9:13 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes you are getting to the point.
9:14 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: love is the true ecstacy.
9:14 PM Still Small Voice: untrue thought do create feelings and feeling can be felt real but it doesn't make it true. It may seem so but it's not.
9:14 PM Homebound: ego, as I said, is interested only in self preservation. Ego REACTS to triggers.
9:14 PM Still Small Voice: attachment to thought
9:15 PM Homebound: Ego reacts, is robotic, is automatic, requires no thought.
9:15 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: self is temporary
9:15 PM kimorents: so its not your fault you triggered me homey?
9:16 PM Homebound: I may have triggered you kimo, but I am not responsable for your reaction. you are responsible for that
9:16 PM kimorents: darn i have to see things differnently
9:16 PM kimorents: exactly
9:16 PM Homebound: we all have triggers, but ego REACTS !!! Spirit is PROACTIVE.
9:16 PM Homebound: you remember the difference, right?
9:17 PM Homebound: bringing up comparisons of differences between ego and spirit.
9:17 PM kimorents: one brings peace
9:17 PM Homebound: thus, ego 1% of our reality. Spirit 99% of our unseen reality
9:17 PM Homebound: ego reacts. spirit is proactive.
9:18 PM Homebound: these are differences. can you think of any others?
9:18 PM Homebound: Ego has pride. Spirit has love.
9:19 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: ego and spirit can be similar, homebound. you are not touching upon the concept of ego without spirit, but ego existing systematically regarding concept of culture.
9:19 PM Homebound: Ego will manifest more ego. Spirit will manifest love, which will manifest miracles.
9:20 PM Still Small Voice: Okay. So there's thought behind the suffering. Like for example... There's a thought "my mother should understand me". I immediately experienced a feeling of loneliness and I realized that every time in my life I had felt hurt or lonely, I had been in someone else's bussiness. If you are living your life and I am mentally living your life, who is here living mine? We are both over there. Being mentally in your bussiness keeps me from being present in my own. I am separate from myself, wondering why my life doesn't work
9:21 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: i think you need to realize that people don't need to understand you.
9:21 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you need to understand yourself.
9:21 PM Homebound: good point SSV. So understanding self is important
9:22 PM Homebound: Seeing our own strengths, uniqueness, power, our own inner teacher
9:22 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: 🙂
is the aim of A Course In Miracles.
9:22 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: YES!
9:22 PM kimorents: smile
9:23 PM Homebound: Once we learn we can trust our higher self, our inner teacher, we learn to love and trust
9:23 PM Homebound: and not so concerned with other people's business. lol
9:23 PM Homebound: unless it is to help
9:23 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you are beautiful alone
9:24 PM Still Small Voice: Yup. love
9:24 PM Homebound: but even then, we can lead a horse to water but....
9:24 PM Still Small Voice: The next time you are feeling stress or discomfort, ask yourself whosse bussiness you are in mentally and you may burst out laughing! That question can bring you back to yourself.
9:27 PM Homebound: okay, you guys have forgotten a lot!! So just recap what I shared so far about ego and spirit.
9:29 PM Homebound: moving forward then. To manifest miracles according to Kaballah, share the light of God with others.
9:29 PM Homebound: with the other class, deny ego and trust spirit
9:30 PM Homebound: now according to A Course In Miracles, what is our biggest tool to learning miracles?
9:30 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: homebound, Kabbalah also states that if you want the deepest level of goodness then you should also do the deepest level of evil to understand the deepest level of goodness... you know this from the zohar, right? 😉
9:30 PM kimorents: forgiveness
9:30 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: the deepest vessel is filled the deepest
:32 PM Homebound: yes. forgiveness. but how does learning forgiveness help in creating miracles?
9:32 PM Still Small Voice: Forviness...this is the most powerful place to being. Even if you have forgiven that person 99%, you aren't free until your forgivness is complete. The 1% you haven't forgiven them is the very place where you're stuck in all your other relationships (including your relationship with yourself).
9:33 PM Homebound: forgiveness is the most powerfull tool. But how? Why? Tell me
9:34 PM Homebound: it emphasizes our unity - seeing the other as also your personal self. Forgiving the other is the same as forgiving the self.
9:34 PM Homebound: it emphasizes our unity - seeing the other as also your personal self. Forgiving the other is the same as forgiving the self.
9:34 PM kimorents: because it never really happened its all persecption due to a cry for love or ego defences
9:34 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: it's the best method
9:34 PM Homebound: very good point Enoch.
9:34 PM Homebound: when you forgive, you are proclaiming your brother's innocense.
9:34 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you understand that we are all potentially evil
9:35 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: and we choose good instead
9:35 PM kimorents: yes we are innocent all of us
9:35 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you have to CHOOSE innocense
9:35 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: it's not given to you
9:35 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: you have to live it
9:35 PM kimorents: we are it
9:35 PM Homebound: you are proclaiming that your as having made a mistake (which can be corrected) as opposed to having sinned against you, since we associate sin with punishment
9:36 PM kimorents: we are perfect spirit whole and complete all the rest is ego
9:36 PM Homebound: *proclaiming your brother as having made a mistake
9:36 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: all of us should realize that everything is attainable without harming another
9:36 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: do not harm another living creature
9:36 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: if you wish to eat meat, let that creature know that you want its meat and ask for it, it will give it to you without regret.
9:37 PM Still Small Voice: If you begin by pointing the finger of blame outward, then the focus isn't on you. You see who you are by seeing who you think other people are. Eventually you come to see that everything outside of you is a reflection of your own thinking.
9:37 PM kimorents: sigh agree but mesquitos biting me i have to release
9:37 PM Homebound: so, I just shared with you how ego and spirit see sin. can you recap for me what I just stressed?
9:37 PM kimorents: ego judges all things for self and spirit sees no sin
9:39 PM Homebound: Enoch, can you recap the different perceptions of ego and spirit towards sin?
9:39 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: sin is simply: acting in opposite to self.
:40 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: ego is a perception of self but not the reality of self
9:40 PM Homebound: very good way to put it Enoch.
9:40 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: ego can influence the manner of what is perceived as 'sin' in relation to action
9:41 PM Homebound: But what I was getting at is that ego sees itself as sinned against, and wants the sin punished.
9:41 PM Still Small Voice: Yes. Sin is negative in Ego's eyes
9:41 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes but sin also provides knowledge
9:42 PM Homebound: but Spirit does not see "sin" as a punishable act. Spirit sees "sin" as a mistake, and mistakes can be corrected.
9:42 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: even though you were meant for "this path" "that path" gave you education for that option
9:42 PM Still Small Voice: I see sin as an gain understand something
9:42 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes
9:42 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: there are different types of sins
9:42 PM Homebound: forgiveness becomes easier when we see the other person as having made a mistake, and not necessarily sinning against you
9:43 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: it should not be appropriate for me to kill homebound to realize the experience of her murder
9:43 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: certain sins are not valuable
9:43 PM Homebound: Spirit refers to "sin" as mistakes
9:43 PM Homebound: which are easily forgiven.
9:44 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes but even though you may reincarnate, my murder of you may influence my higher self to give me a repeat existence in physical form to realize that killing is not appropriate.
9:44 PM Homebound: but it all starts with not seeing with our eyes, but seeing with our inner knowledge - spiritual knowledge
9:44 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: what if my goal is to not reincarnate, and "sin" is to do no harm in my current existence?
9:43 PM Homebound: Spirit refers to "sin" as mistakes
9:43 PM Homebound: which are easily forgiven.
9:44 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes but even though you may reincarnate, my murder of you may influence my higher self to give me a repeat existence in physical form to realize that killing is not appropriate.
9:44 PM Homebound: but it all starts with not seeing with our eyes, but seeing with our inner knowledge - spiritual knowledge
9:45 PM Still Small Voice: We are meant to make "mistakes" but it is the growth for everybody involved...including myself.
9:46 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: sin cannot be objective
9:46 PM Homebound: we will make mistakes, but that is all it is. We can learn to correct our mistakes.
9:46 PM Homebound: miracles are not objective.
9:46 PM Homebound: in fact, we should not pick and choose who we want to have a miracle.
9:47 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes, of course.
9:47 PM Homebound: but let them flow will they will
9:47 PM Homebound: have I not stressed we and our brother are one?
9:48 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: love
9:48 PM Homebound: which makes it easier to forgive, once we understand that what we are seeing is a projection of what we think is there.
9:48 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: yes i understand where you are coming from
9:48 PM Homebound: but in reality is one with us
9:48 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: let's say your father murdered your mother
9:48 PM Homebound: okay
9:48 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: will you be mad in spirit?
9:48 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: likely not
9:48 PM Still Small Voice: You see... I've grew up thinking that my father didn't love me because he didn't spend much time with me and that he didn't know how to act like the father should. He was very alcoholoic as well. But as I got into my twenties, I have come to understand that my father did not have a role model in his life. His father wasn't in his life. He also had a very bad childhood. So with that understanding, that's the information he had at the time and don't take it personal. so I let it go and I do know now that my father really does love me.
9:49 PM Homebound: awww ssv love
9:49 PM TheRaptureofEnoch: i guess i felt your feelings from your father
9:49 PM Still Small Voice: My father was defintely one of my greatest teachers in my life
9:50 PM Homebound: aww ssv, the one who hurt you most love
9:50 PM Homebound: also taught you most
9:50 PM Homebound: family cycles are hard to break
9:50 PM Still Small Voice: He taught me to be more be more understanding... and he also taught me to be fathering and nourishing to myself... so I can give love for him and others.
9:50 PM Homebound: you are amazing and are a good student of life ssv
9:51 PM Homebound: anyways, this was a brief recap of the different approaches to miracles
9:51 PM Homebound: when you go to the core, they are all coming from the same place - saying the same thing.
9:52 PM Homebound: give love - reject ego - forgive
9:53 PM Homebound: class is dismissed if no comments or questions.


Looks like we missed a couple of weeks. I take full responsibility. The first week I just lost that day. Didn't even realize it until Monday. This past Sunday guess what. We had a power outage that lasted until Tuesday. But that is all behind us! We will be up and running this Sunday.

Also, let's thanks Dae for her wonderful work in posting the classes. Thank you Dae. You are lovely and I love you. Mwah!

Okay, in order to keep this thread going, I have a two-question quiz for you from yesterday's introduction to A Course In Miracles. Even if you were not at yesterday's class, you may still try. Many of you have listened in on these classes and may have been in one that covered this.

1. Why is the Holy Spirit a perfect mediator for us?
2. What is our major tool in learning to create miracles?

GO! You can do this!

homebound wrote: ↑Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:12 am
Okay, in order to keep this thread going, I have a two-question quiz for you from yesterday's introduction to A Course In Miracles. Even if you were not at yesterday's class, you may still try. Many of you have listened in on these classes and may have been in one that covered this.

1. Why is the Holy Spirit a perfect mediator for us?
2. What is our major tool in learning to create miracles?

GO! You can do this!

Thanks for the Intro class Homebound, we all enjoyed it

1. The Holy Spirit is a perfect mediator as he has awareness of the Truth but also our Illusions
2. A major tool in learning to create miracles ... humm... The ability to forgive
Understanding that we seek in others what we are needing

Homebound, here are the responses that you have requested:

1.) Depending on the state of the Holy Spirit, it is generally the flow of divine emotion and intuition to an open and connected source... If one is open to receiving the Holy Spirit, any potential conflict can be resolved with the provided intuition; and then mediated.

2.) "Miracle" in this case could mean "a desired outcome from spiritually meditative focus or attitude". A tool to assure desires are achieved is "self love". Self love creates confidence and through the Law of Attraction you can be or become the state or outcome that you desire. These outcomes could be perceived as miracles.

Okay, first I want to thank Samantha and TheRaptureofEnoch for their participation. Thank you guys!

Samantha, yes. The reason the Holy Spirit is a perfect mediator for us is because He knows the truth BUT He also sees our illusions without believing in them like we do. We give our illusions such substance! But the Holy Spirit merely dismisses them as "not true".
Our major tool from the Holy Spirit in creating miracles is forgiveness. You are correct.

TheRaptureofEnoch, well, the state of the Holy Spirit is constant and does not change. It is US who change when we decide on whether or not to listen to His voice. As far as the mediation is concerned, while this may be good in resolving conflict in this worldly plane, it is with forgiveness of the whole situation (illusion!) that miracles will manifest.

Thank you both for your feedback! Enoch, I hope I didn't misunderstand your answer. love

A Course in Miracles – Clarification of Terms – 1. Mind – Spirit

C-1.1. The term mind is used to represent the activating agent of spirit, supplying its creative energy. 2 When the term is capitalized it refers to God or Christ (i.e., the Mind of God or the Mind of Christ). 3 Spirit is the Thought of God which He created like Himself. 4 The unified spirit is God's one Son, or Christ.

C-1.2. In this world, because the mind is split, the Sons of God appear to be separate. 2 Nor do their minds seem to be joined. 3 In this illusory state, the concept of an "individual mind" seems to be meaningful. 4 It is therefore described in the course as if it has two parts; spirit and ego.

C-1.3. Spirit is the part that is still in contact with God through the Holy Spirit, Who abides in this part but sees the other part as well. 2 The term "soul" is not used except in direct biblical quotations because of its highly controversial nature. 3 It would, however, be an equivalent of "spirit," with the understanding that, being of God, it is eternal and was never born.

C-1.4. The other part of the mind is entirely illusory and makes only illusions. 2 Spirit retains the potential for creating, but its Will, which is God's, seems to be imprisoned while the mind is not unified. 3 Creation continues unabated because that is the Will of God. 4 This Will is always unified and therefore has no meaning in this world. 5 It has no opposite and no degrees.

C-1.5. The mind can be right or wrong, depending on the voice to which it listens. 2 Right-mindedness listens to the Holy Spirit, forgives the world, and through Christ's vision sees the real world in its place. 3 This is the final vision, the last perception, the condition in which God takes the final step Himself. 4 Here time and illusions end together.

C-1.6. Wrong-mindedness listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real. 2 Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened. 3 Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is One with God's.

C-1.7. In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices. 2 Will is not involved in perception at any level, and has nothing to do with choice. 3 Consciousness is the receptive mechanism, receiving messages from above or below; from the Holy Spirit or the ego. 4 Consciousness has levels and awareness can shift quite dramatically, but it cannot transcend the perceptual realm. 5 At its highest it becomes aware of the real world, and can be trained to do so increasingly. 6 Yet the very fact that it has levels and can be trained demonstrates that it cannot reach knowledge.

Homebound: I appreciate your work and your mindset.

You work through a system of belief that constructs spirituality into order; and this order gives logical understanding to your spirituality. I will never call what you believe wrong. You are right-minded in what works for you and what helps you define and believe in your spirit.

I learn from you and everyone and their ways; and do not wish to alter any constructive conceptions that anyone may have. You do a righteous service to those who wish to adhere or bond to this archetypal thoughtform spiritbond; or frankly Christianity -- possibly Gnostic Christianity (or a shade thereof).

I believe in your faith, but it does not bind me to its very real system and structure. Structure and order are things that I support if they have a temporary means to myself or my spirit-ego. Chaos is the nature of my soul and I allow it to consume me with its purpose to pseudo-randomly whisk me to the next experience. At times I even take the chaos and make order out of it for a temporary construct of my own that is needed at that time. If anything, I believe in my personal language that Holy Spirit can be Chaos too. Chaos may not seem to have a purpose at first, but often creates a new form by allowing it freedom. Everything has free will. Your will can be used by forces if you allow it too.

It is a miracle that you exist and that you stand true to your system; especially that you channel the underlying love to others that attracted you to it.

Thank you for your intention and clarity that you provide. It is a service of love and union. I will continue to learn from you and everyone here.

A Course in Miracles – Clarification of Terms – Introduction

C-in.1. This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology. 2 It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception. 3 The means of the Atonement is forgiveness. 4 The structure of "individual consciousness" is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the "original error" or the "original sin." 5 To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error. 6 And it is just this process of overlooking at which the course aims.

C-in.2. All terms are potentially controversial, and those who seek controversy will find it. 2 Yet those who seek clarification will find it as well. 3 They must, however, be willing to overlook controversy, recognizing that it is a defense against truth in the form of a delaying maneuver. 4 Theological considerations as such are necessarily controversial, since they depend on belief and can therefore be accepted or rejected. 5 A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. 6 It is this experience toward which the course is directed. 7 Here alone consistency becomes possible because here alone uncertainty ends.

C-in.3. This course remains within the ego framework, where it is needed. 2 It is not concerned with what is beyond all error because it is planned only to set the direction towards it. 3 Therefore it uses words, which are symbolic, and cannot express what lies beyond symbols. 4 It is merely the ego that questions because it is only the ego that doubts. 5 The course merely gives another answer, once a question has been raised. 6 However, this answer does not attempt to resort to inventiveness or ingenuity. 7 These are attributes of the ego. 8 The course is simple. 9 It has one function and one goal. 10 Only in that does it remain wholly consistent because only that can be consistent.

C-in.4. The ego will demand many answers that this course does not give. 2 It does not recognize as questions the mere form of a question to which an answer is impossible. 3 The ego may ask, "How did the impossible occur?", "To what did the impossible happen?", and may ask this in many forms. 4 Yet there is no answer; only an experience. 5 Seek only this, and do not let theology delay you.

Don't get distracted with error
Don't get distracted with controversy.
Don't get distracted with ego.

Simple! 🙂

TheRaptureofEnoch, thank you for your positive feedback. I appreciate your respectful attitude towards other's beliefs while holding firmly to your own. You are open minded (which is necessary simply to listen) while explaining your own belief system. It's all good my friend. Thank you for joining this class on miracles.

I love this class, and the more often I come, the more I love it.
It has made teachings I have studied from other places come together for me, and made them clear, easy to understand.
Thank you Homebound for bringing this class to us, and for your time, effort, and dedication.


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