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Readers Agreement, Rules & Guidelines

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Completely agreed and understood. Hopefully, I've more posts but will soon start posting again after some new found inspiration has been thought up. I did have 25 posts on the forum, if not more.
Will post a new bio thread but hoping that it doesn't turn out to be as long as the last one. Focusing on positive this time. :o)

Hi would like a yes or no, on my ex Deborah. Please,I am still thinking and dreaming of her.

Sorry I agree

I agree to all rules and will uphold them

I fully agree to all of the guidelines set before me and shall fully comply

I agree to the terms...

O.K. with the rules

I agree with the following rules


I have read a agree to the rules and guidelinds

I agree, and I'm skilled with empathetic connections.

Yes I agree

I have read the Readers Agreement and agree to hold them soundly and with respect. My posts are on old forum.

I agree to the terms

I agree and am resigning in new forums . My posts are in old forums old username was croy1112 .


Yes I agree

Here we go 🙂
Am familiar with rules. Have read and agreed

Agree to rules. I happily agree to abide by them and am glad they are in place to protect us.

I agree to the above rules.

I have read the rules and agree to the guidelines

I agree to the rules and will abide by them.

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