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Greetings from Googleshop

Hello everyone!

I'm taking a moment to introduce myself properly for you. I've been on the chat for a week now, pretty much sets a precedence for me so i shall mark the occasion with a forum debut.

I am third generation aussie currently living in Sydney, Australia. I 'm here to study a double bachelor in education (Secondary) and media arts with University of New South Wales.

My bread and butter is a job as a construction worker but i do take artistic and graphic design commissions on the side.

I am an obsessive compulsive creative, drawing and writing are my primary mediums for this; i have notebooks filled with dreams, schemes, ideas and tangible concepts waiting for their chance. I would love to be a published author one day in both fiction and non fiction fields.

I have three hobbies; my guineapigs (cavies) that i show once a month, my game-building (rpg and open world style) and tabletop wargaming (was warhammer 40K but now Warmachine).

now... as for me on the psycho-spiritual spectrum.... what can I do?...
I inherited some of my abilities from my dad, he taught me and helped to develop my empathic abilities.
but I can also channel write, astral travel on the energetic plane and do 'readings'.... though I have only just started reading for others. I am also adept at energy work through the chakras and am learning about auras.
I have good atunement towards perceiving and communicating psychically with energetic entities, quantum energies/entities and spiritual entities/guardians/ totems. I can install 'wellsprings' and clear spaces ( i did a whole school oval once). I have a catholic aunty who seriously thought i would end up being an exorsist... if women were ever allowed to be so.

I think that's enough for now, i'll save other details for other forum areas- for example my experience with a ghost dog.

love and light to all, thank you for making me feel so welcome, friends have already seen a difference in me because of it.

Welcome to ABT. πŸ™‚ Enjoy the forum. πŸ™‚ See ya around. πŸ™‚

Hello ! I met you in chat yesterday i think ? Old dotty lady here at times. Its so lovely to have you with us welcome! Being an artist you will appreciate my avatar.. its a picture my partner Steve done for me in pencils. I would love to see your work too πŸ™‚

Welcome to ABT Googleshop.

Nice meeting you in Chat.


Hi googleshop,

It's been nice meeting you. Good to have you join us πŸ™‚
I've enjoyed talking with you in the forums.

Take care and see you around

Thank you, everyone, for being so welcoming.
I've tried chat rooms and forums before but never had I been so compelled to come back, especially day after day for weeks non-stop- that is new to me.
Its wonderful to meet so many with similar interests to myself, the art, the writing the computer graphics.
And I finally feel that I am in a position to learn again, move forward with my development.

Sudheer has reacted to this post.

Hi Googleshop. I love the name. Nice to meet you and thanks for your intro. Was a good one and I always appreciate people who share themselves with others. I'm interested in your story.

I'm glad you found us Googleshop and I look forward to meeting you in chat.

Do you do heavy lifting with your work? Just curious.

Hey Googleshop and welcome to ABT πŸ™‚ . I look forward to meeting you in chat!


Good to see you all return !Β 

Google..., Chell.Β  πŸ™‚