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Ghost-Addict's Bio & Feedback

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Hi I would like a reading please If you can thank you

Hi, I am new to this site and this trying to learn. I know I have special gifts but dont know exactly what they are. Can you please do a reading for me? Thank you❤

HI ghost-addict, are you still giving reading? I am looking to reach my mother who recently passed. I would love a reading from you. I will post when at your response:0)

hi im lashay 12 26 89 can you tell me about my deceased bf brandon 1 10 86 he died may of 2017 i want to know is he still around me and what was his feelings for me moments before he died he said he wanted to tell me something but never made it back to me does he have any messages for me and know anything that is to come for my future also do you see any other relatives around me that try and tell me things are loved ones?

Hi all,

I know I have been away from chat due to work and other commitments. Hopefully I will be back up to doing readings again, Thanks for everyone's patience it will be a slow process but will get there.

Best Wishes,

Hello! I'm trying to get myself back on some sort of schedule. I'm not sure how. I'll wake up at midnight, and not go to bed until noon. I'm wondering If I should just make myself stay up once I wake up so It'll be easier for me to fall a asleep. I've gotten myself back on track before but, this time I'm not able to. I've been doing a spell for peace and tranquility to see If that will help. I've asked the universe for signs on what I should do. I don't seem to be getting any. I'm literally sleeping my life away. I'll miss out on family gatherings or events because I'm sleeping. I don't know how to stop the cycle. thank you in advance for reading this.

Hi everyone,

I'm Ghost-Addict, A psychic/medium who has read on this site since October 2011. I work without tools and occasionally use Angel cards to bring comfort and guidance to sitters. I connect with energy and read via photos. My abilities began when I kept seeing the colours purple & gold during one of my investigations and I took the step of learning more about them. I searched forward to joining a community such as here where I could develop, learn and open up to my abilities. I attended mediumship classes regularly to help develop and practice to work towards my path and get to where I am today. If you require a read please leave a request via my bio or in chat.

When I read for sitters, feedback is very important to me as it helps me to practice and develop as I continue along my path. Without it, I wouldn't know how I did or if I need to improve on the areas of my abilities. Please make sure to leave feedback once I have read for you as its valuable and important to me as a reader.

Please note I do not like to continuously read for the same sitter over and over again i.e. repeated reads. It is only fair to others that you wait awhile before me attempting to read you again. My reads are usually general unless I focus on a specific topic, e.g. career or relationship. I read for members aged 18 and over.

Hey Ghost-addict,

Working down the psychic reader's list i felt drawn to you and wanted to request if i could get a reading from you on relationships? I look foward to hearing from you 🙂

Peace & love,

Ghostie, you read for me on Wednesday 6th September 2017 from 9:30 time to 10:30 time.
Thank you & I Can't thank you enough but I'm grateful and humble also in more than words can say.
Hope you are well today.

Here is your in-depth feedback... I just hope its not too long! Right so where do I start? At the beginning I guess would be best!

In the beginning of the reading you picked up on a new change/newer energy coming in around me, you are right in the sense that i ask a lot of questions trying to find out where I need to go to work/serve on the path/because I like to know what I'm doing and plan ahead for the changes.When i connect with spirit- there is no doubt to the detail of information coming through from spirit- all the doubt that i have sometimes is finding the right sitter- but I trust that spirit too will help me with that - you mentioned that there was someone in my distant past who had a tendency to hold emotions in and situations- yes, there was someone in my distant past 8 years if not more who I couldn't read at all and every time around him, I struggled reading his emotions. The love that I had for him was stored within and while I loved him in my own way or I thought was love at the time, it wasn't a mutual connection so felt a lot one sided a lot of the time, it turned out that he never loved me back so the love was stored fully within for a long time. It was hard to move on from the past back in that time but it needed to be done because otherwise I would have stayed in that past chapter and been unhappy.

Yes there was a decision that gave me a wake up call and I knew I had to do something to kick-start my learning and progress back on track with the path and be consistent but in a genuine way without ego. Some people I let into my life others tend to hold and stand at a distance if I don't trust them or think they have dubious intentions - I learned that from the past with the old relationship and not being able to decipher his emotions.

I do have a connection with clouds and love to work with them too, you mentioned coloured art and this brought to mind some coloured symbols that I will have to get out and get working again with because I wanted to turn them into healing symbols for meditation and perhaps read with them at a later date.

You mentioned about a guide who hadn't left me, but was still fighting, connecting, guiding... this is a friend that I have yearned to hear from again, he is connected to a native american soul/spirit family from my pasts life who would guide, connect and show in a link with spirit, and yes I had been thinking about him recently, so I'm blessed to know he is there and around me. Grateful to hear that he is here. He did have an energy the exact way you described so I can relate on that.

With the gentle soul energy - yes there was someone in my past who seemed to be a gentle soul at first but her energy came across as almost too sweet & which warped the energy. The Native American Family usually use water to scry a connection through from spirit, water is used a lot to keep my awareness peaceful as you know my energy -I'm born in the November month so my energy is a Scorpio sign... may also tie in with that...whales.... makes sense as well.. the whales song i will have to meditate with because I am pretty sure that ties in with the creativity & healing... will look at that as well...

19 and J initial.... this reminds me of revisiting university days, so I wonder if this message is about going back to the time when I awoke and the J gave me a bit of snowflake obsidian crystal which is a very good crystal for letting go of self and old emotions and also guarding up against negative relationships...

With the poetry.... yes the poems rarely get handwritten, they are typed up nowadays.... I always strive to keep my energy light and cleared as well because it does indeed help for the flow to well... flow....

The only other thing I can think of also is Whales/Dolphins are connected to the sea & and affinity for working with the sea is also clearing, may link again to past lives.

Thanks for the reading ghostie, Very glad that you aren't rusty now, because I think you have nailed it right on the head. Your intuition is spot on very much so & I appreciate the hard work that you put into complete the read tonight. You are an amazing star! Carry on shining brightly!

I am interested in a reading / making contact with a loved one. I think I prefer a more private setting (working up to have private messages enabled I guess) so please let me know if you are interested and what I should do. Thank you!

Hello Ghost-Addict. I am Seeking help to get in touch with my best friend who died about 2 months ago. I do not know exactly what happened and a lot of her loved ones, including myself, have no closure. Please help me if you can. Thank you so much

Hey, Could I get reading from you? I'm so helpless at this time. I look forward hearing from you.

Hey Ghost-Addict

I felt drawn more to you and would love a reading on a message from a loved one i would be eternally grateful 🙂

ThankYou Hope to Hear From You Soon

ghost-addict, I am not sure of you remember me from a long time ago, Jakai is mt ABT name. I would like a general reading from you. I am not specific on what you get. You will receive what i need to here.
Thank you

jakai wrote: ↑Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:42 pm
ghost-addict, I am not sure of you remember me from a long time ago, Jakai is mt ABT name. I would like a general reading from you. I am not specific on what you get. You will receive what i need to here.
Thank you

Hey Jakai,

Welcome back to the site. So happy seeing you here and seeing you in chat again. How many years has it been? at least 1 or so? Hope things are ok with yourself. Sure, I will post your read on here as soon as I can. Sorry it's taken so long to do these.

Hi Ghost-Addict. I don't know why I just now noticed you here since I joined this site in 2015, which is 4 years after you have. I am interested in having a reading. The past almost 3 years have been very hard for my family and I going from one misfortune to another. We just want a break in our favor. I would very much appreciate your help.


After reading your profile and feeling drawn to you, I would like to ask for a reading, please.
As far as what I'd like to focus on, I aim to understand the reasoning behind me not willing to be vulnerable and intimate. I am unsure if I endured any specific hardships during my past life, or anything else of the sort. I feel something is 'holding me back', and I'm unsure as to what that could possibly be. Other important topics I may need to hear are welcome!

Thank you!

yes it has been awhile, trying to get back into things, this java is giving he hell right now. Great to hear from you.

Hi Ghost-Addict! I would love a reading of any kind. I feel a bit lost in life at the moment; I'm not sure about what to do for my future. Hope to hear from you! 🙂

Hello Ghost- Addict,
Would you please do a reading for me. Thanks

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