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Everything falling apart, losing hope

I am at my my wits end. Nothing is going right in my life no matter how hard I try. I can't find work to help support my family and now we face not having a place to stay. I try and try and try and can't get anywhere. Everything was supposed to change once I graduated school but it hasn't, things have gotten worse. No one wants to hire me for my degree. A job for what I went to school for would change everything.

I keep bring told to hang in there, that better times are on the way. It's not happening, and not for the lack of trying. I guess my wife and I must be terrible people because life keeps treating us that way. I want so much better for us, for her. I Don't want her to die from a broken heart because that would be my fault and I wouldn't be far behind her. My problems have started ever since I joined this forum and every time we take a step forward we end up taking two steps back. I know those with the ability to do so can feel my anguish, frustration, despair, and dread. It's like I wasted my time even bothering to earn my degree because it has not done me much good.

Please, I beg of someone to give me hope. I was told by someone here that things will get better soon weeks ago and they just keep getting worse. I can't do this much longer, there is only so much a person can take. I just want to be successful and for my family and I to prosper. I feel so dejected. Makes me wonder what me and my wife did to deserve all this.

I'm truly sorry. I'm also saddened and shocked to see Noone has responded to this. I too feel hopeless and like everything has been falling apart. So I can relate in some way. I wish I could offer you hope. Honestly it's why the same thing I'm ĺooking for that and clarity. Just overall help would be nice. I don't know you but I hope by now since this post is months old now that something good came your way. Maybe you will be back to tell us about it. Best wishes.

Thank you so much for responding Gildamouse. It's hot or miss on these forums whether you get a response or not and I appreciate you taking the time to do so.

It seems the storm is passing in my life and things are looking better. A potentially great opportunity has come my way professionally. I also have received assistance from two charitable organizations that was life saving. Look out for my post where I update everyone on my situation.

I hope your situation improves as well Gildamouse

I hope both your situations got better.

It would be nice to hear an update from the both of you.

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