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Hi ariana100 yep that's ok. Thank you for requesting again. Peace x


Thank you so much for the reading in chat. Although it was quick and sort, alot of it resonated with me in so many ways. I'm sure it will help me to move forward with what has gone on for so long.

Best Wishes,

I hope so on that Ghostie, you know where we are if you need us okay? 🙂 My online (and offline) door is always open to friends and to family members of ABT.

arianna100 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:33 am
hi dear

how are you. wanted to know if i can get a reading from. you. the cards or runes are fine or any messages for me.i had requested some time back but u were taking a break . please and thanks

blessings to you
take care

Firstly, I got the song Stronger for you - I feel that you are a strong person who has spent a lot of time reminscencing on the past, you have a lot of inner confusion but which just needs clearing, you can clear this through believing in yourself that you are worthy of finding love, of loving yourself for who you really are. you are doing soul searching at the moment, and you've had your own fair share of challenges to overcome, the first card I have turned over is the Ace Of Cups.

finacially you have a situation where money is concerned, but you have an abundance of wealth just not in materialistic form, you gotta count your blessings on this one and be grateful for what you have got, you are needing to take a deep breath and breathe, really allow yourself to breathe and for your soul to breathe to relax yourself and your body free from all that tension.

You have the need to trust in your own intuition and your heart, for it knows best in no matter which decision you are making, your heart is the one that knows exactly what you need at this point in time, you aren't sure of yourself on this and you feel like you are doubting the real authentic self which you haven't yet found, when you do find this personality, you will be relieved because its there all along, just undiscovered.

Next card Justice

you have had a lot of life lessons to learn in terms of your life, this is a learning curveball for you and the lyrics of the stronger song is actually true for you what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller ... so you are strong mentally and physically strong in everything you do, i also get the sense there is someone who is a carer around you and also there is an older female who is a nurse/carer who you look up to as a role model, but balance and nurturing your ability to listen and empathetically be you is clear and consistent in your life. balancing yourself and learning to let go and forgive yourself for putting you through injustices of the past is key to your initial present success, forgiving yourself for your past because its gone not to be repeated, and forgiving is a big thing for you because it allows you to feel safe and secure in your own skin in learning you inside out with what you need to accept and live with

X - swords

you are worrying a lot as of late and this is shrouding your conscious mind from making the decisions around you but the world is your oyster, there is a sense of distant here and of disconnection from the past and present, there is also almost a detachment its like you aren't sure of yourself anymore or of who you are. but the soul searching will come in to help you find out who you are. believe in yourself and in the divine timing of the present because successes small and major are indeed happening around you, recenter your energies and reconnect. there is also a barrier which is self-made but is an illusional way of thoughts, you have a vast amount of abilities too but you need to trust in your own person to see yourself moving forwards and letting go of other peoples' pain and injustice done to you in your past, learn from your mistakes and take on board the lessons you need to know, focus on the future for it is brightly shining for you.

This is all I have for you arianna100, hope it made sense

hi celtic rose

thank you so much for the reading. you were right about all of it. i really am veey confused and worried all the time. i guess thats why i asked for the reading. i doubt myself and my abilities. im not comfortable in my own skin.

ill take your advice and try to get past this.

blessings tp you


Haven't written any lately so no need to post them yet.

Hi CelticRose, I would like to schedule a reading with you when you have time. I also have a question, without giving too much information my boyfriend is currently being held at an ICE detainee prison, we were wondering if he was going to be released or deported? Thank you for taking the time to read my request.

Hi Carla7878.

a lot of pink and white energy surrounding this link though this connection has not yet opened fully, it is now.
you have been feeling weighed down with bittersweet emotion lately almost like an excitable energy, jittery type energy, expression given is 'ants in ya pants', preparing yourself for the future journey
but has a fear there of searching the hidden depths of the water of drowning, like they feel as though they are going too deep - this person also has a panic button for when the emotional fear energy gets too much BUT

you have a lot of sensible responsibilities and a lot of good traits in your personality, but struggle with trusting in your self and higher self and instincts, the white cloudy energy suggests confusion with ya on the path and i'm being shown that the clouds are clearing now so I can see with your permission your energy more clearer

your energy is a shy presence but with a beautiful white higher vibrational energy in tow , your first layer is a golden eggshell layer sense of self, you have a lot of pats on the back and encouragement coming in support with ya from your helper team in spirit, there is a sense of quietness about your energy that feels like its lacking strength and focus for the situations around you, you feel trapped in a situation that isn't of your own doing and i'm seeing the need for you to be strong so you can help the other person that is involved in this situation.

Also a koala totem around you helping you absorb the knowledge as to what's already out there and available to you. You need to trust in the higher divine powers that be though and listen to your guides 100% To encourage the weighed burdens off of your shoulders. Confide in someone you TRUST in confidentiality too so as not to face it on your own.

there is a lot of unrest and unsurety ahead and doubt(s) that you have in your heart as to whether or not he will be freed from the entanglement situation he is in. His altar minor - a back of the neck chakra opposite the throat chakra on the base of neck, being full of energy and it needs clearing... you can direct love and healing to it to clear it and help him if he does not believe in this process of chakra work . I also feel that you and him are guided by the stars, and that there is light behind him working with him and with your third eye to diffuse the conflict(s) and the tension of the situation that he is trapped in.
Tuning into the situation, further, there is a reason why he's there and that is a part of his learning to learn on the path that he's on at the moment. Changes are indeed happening around him though bringing in with it a sense of choice so as not to make the same action again and allow the past to be repeated. It can't be repeated as its gone. Its possible that these barriers can be overcome, there is a lot of fearfulness situated with the situation at the moment, at present as to knowing the answer to your current question.

And while it feels like its not being answered in this read, and a feeling that beating around the bush so to speak like you are getting mixed messages in with it as to whether or not he'll be released or deported, i feel like freedom is a few months down the line in coming but that he will need to behave and that the truth ought to be stuck to and heard. there is a court case happening in september around him which is like a hearing, it has either has happened or is happening soon, but i'm told to tell ya the outcome will be positive cause I hear that in my awareness when asked the question Yay or Nay? which for me is positive or negative.

So try not to doubt in the answer or in your angels because they will indeed be with you indefinitely through it. ASK FOR HELP & YOU'll Receive. Guidance is given. Ask for a sign and you'll be given. A white feather in tow to ensure you that angelic guidance is with ya while this take place.

What you can do?
You can TRUST and ask the angels to help you at this moment in time get through it all and continue your pathway forwards to development. Ask them to EASE The fear you must be feeling right now, knowing that situation he is in is imminently changing and changes will be gradual changes albeit also quick. I'm also told to mention to you that AA Michael and AA Gabriel are with him to protect him from the inmates and assist him through the dilemma of the situation.

It is taking its toll on you and your family to know and to work with this emotionally, you have cried in the past over it and it has pent up frustrations knowing that your hands are a bit tied as well and there is a weariness about it as well, vibrationally. But things are being sorted up to a week to 10 day new venture and travel is on your horizons now. Movement is coming forwards in leaps and bounds to gently nudge the situation along.

Lastly I get the sense of koala totem helping you. She is sitting in a tree happily grazing on a grassy stalk. Growth is with you and for your boyfriend on this journey. There is a new chapter and new beginnings ahead as there is changes in your path forwards of development. Her Messages is fresh outlook and realization, manifest the positive and absorb the guidance, knowledge and sustain your energy for the times ahead. Her consciousness is symbolic also for the sense of friendship and support and confirmation of that you are strong enough to face what the world gives ya, even materialistically.

Be thorough with your research though when you prepare yourself and trust in your angels. Kinda now get the sense that you are to give a speech too in defence of him, to help his case. When this happens or if this does come about, - I'm given a date here - September 15th and also December - later on - ask for AA Metatron and Raphael to come and support you through it and provide you with the much needed backbone and strength to stand ya ground and do what's needed to see the situation find a solution in order for him to be released and try not to give them further ammunition because they will use that against you, i feel, but just stay to the truth. Also, someone around you has PSTD at all (an older female, red hair, late 36-40 age group) bubbly personality but laid back.

Look after extra care of that person because they are going through a lot at the moment and its causing you emotions to run awry. Try meditation to calm your energy down and to ground yourself and focus in the now and present time.

You are awakening too and are answering your call to help. Lastly, I get the colour of RED to give to you which means strength and dexterity and strong motivation to be desired. You have the strength within. Don't let anyone tell ya otherwise. Love and direct love to diffuse the tension between you and the leading party of authority. I sense that he will be freed, but there is a delay factor by a few months grace in the decision due to the amount of paperwork that has to be done first.

Peace, that's all I got for you today. Carla. Hope that helps.

Thank you so much, you are so right I have been feeling weighed down and stressed out about a whole lot of things. I am so relieved about what you see on the horizon it really relaxes my mind and helps ease my nerves. You were so spot on it gave me chills in a good way, thank you so much, my mom is the one you saw with PTSD, and she has been going through some things. Thank you so much again. Hugs CelticRose.

hugs Carla7879, you are welcome. Feel free to come into chat as we are all in there chatting. Don't just come in for the read, this is home for you and for many. Come in to talk to us as well when ya need or want to. Welcome <3 Glad it resonated because I doubted on providing you with that read. Thank you for feedback. Hope you found peace within it.


ty for the lovely read --inspiring with ideas to deal with emotions ect. That was kind of u to offer ...very refreshing
stars xx


Firstly I'm seeing the strand/bond of yellowy gold light that leads from me to your energy so I'm scanning that as I go along to find your energy, this is what helps me connect. Secondly, your energy is a beautiful shade of white within the overall but with a layer of cloudy yellow which shows me you aren't sure of your footing in this new path, you are certain where you are headed as the overal general goalposts but you aren't sure about how you are meant to get there. you are speechless at the moment too after reading this or someone around you has not got many words to express. this is because you keep them all within so creative writing would indeed be good for you to work with your own voice and self-expression too.

you have a bit of a cough as well clearing the throat chakra because its clogged up with emotion, its like you have lost your voice in the past but have recently found it again. you have been hurt emotionally numerous of times by people you aren't sure of who didn't trust you, my heart goes out to you for the amount of painful memories you've had to endure because of these people that didn't accept you for who you are. but you are on the right track now, you need to heal yourself and learn how to forgive others for what they did to you, forgive but never forget. forgive yourself too for putting yourself through those times, the other friendships that have drifted on and left you in the past no longer hold meaning in your life anymore, they were friends that came in to teach you things and left when their purpose was filled.

you also have a turqouise light around you showing that you are into alchemy and also are in to your full power of potential, you do work with crystals and do firmly work with what you believe in. you are shielding yourself more too on your path and also your heart chakra has been firmly closed as you work yourself through it to open it more to learn to love yourself for who you are and accept yourself flaws and all with the loving someone else that you seek or have sought.

there is a lady in your life too now who is a younger soul and very much a healer at heart, she is not quite as old as your soul is but is slowly awakening and you can help her through the hardship and difficult times, you are doubting in the purpose as to why she's found you though and you are being asked NOT TO doubt but TRUST in your feelings and work your way through them so that both of you stand a chance to reconnect. i sense that the love is an old one, i'm getting the words old flames as well that have been hindering your mindset; the past is gone not to return. there is someone thinking negatively of you, what you can do is send out LOVE to that person if you know the source of the negativeness and send them love and light, cloak them in positive energy or clear quartz energy and visualize the crystal shield gathering all negativity so that it does not reach ya. you are lovely soul and honest about what it is you are after. protect yourself indefinitely for there is people out there who seek to deceive and lead you along a different path, but as long as you trust in your instincts, and your heart, intuition, spirit, you won't go far wrong. Heart OVER Mindset, trust in it. and love will find you, if its meant to be it will happen.

ok looking furthermore at your situation now. i get the words of paradise and holiday. its almost like you have worked yourself far too hard and are seeking inner peace, with a holiday travelling at the end of the journey. you have a lot of pink light surrounding this which is beautiful light of peace and encouragement illuminating the way forwards for you. you are focusing on the materialistic style of life and the manifestation of the positive in your reality and lifetime now.

on asking the question with your music, i get the words magic and transformation. Changes are indeed happening there with your situation moving you forwards, there is a decision to be made and a lot of paperwork, you need to start trusting in your music guide (for you do have one) and also your heart's intuition and inspiration that comes through along the listening ear, too. music heals and this is your passion, i'm feeling a lot of light and airy peacefulness around here so i strongly feel that what you put into it ,you will soon reap the rewards of what's to come. HARVEST is another word in relation to this, through the musical situation and kimberly combined, you will soon find yourself that you are WORTHY of love and you have been working hard, so give yourself credit & pat yourself on the back for how far you've come. I'm sensing also that kim has a lovely gentle energy and this is her energy that is influencing the situation, too keeping you at peace, she is very much your anchor on this one and is your rock throughout the difficult times, helping you to heal the past so that you can let go of it and move towards the future to your new chapter and new beginnings for which I get in a date here for you for 3rd Of September as you will need patience, because that's when you will know the outcome by. There is the resounded feeling of yes it will happen and its a positive yes but there is also a negative somewhere along the lines, too, so perhaps a delay for when the decision is made. However, if this opportunity IS delayed, there is always an alternative opportunity that will come your way - when the going gets tough and a window closes, a doorway opens indefinitely, so keep your cool, and just be yourself for when going to the audition. Do your best, and be your best. Smile and find your self-worth, as this will help boost your self-esteem. Be confident and love, know and trust in your music for it is the instrument to see you through the audition.

Also, I have here a spider totem for you too that whispers CHANGES and also GOOD LUCK. Wisdom here too, so you have a spider totem guide that will help you with the inner changes in your reality. Trust & listen to your totem guides as they will help you show you the way forwards in time. ASk for a sign and count on it that a sign will be given for your inspirational moments and confirmation is indeed on its way to you. Hugs and Love Marlon78, really hope that helps ya. Come and join us in the chatroom sometime! Peace!

Hello, someone in chat recommended I come here for a reading to find answers and understanding. Are you available to do this? Thank you.

Yes I'm available, but it will have to be later this evening as I've got to work during the day. Is completing reading in chat ok for you to meet me there at about 7pm gmt UK time tonight? if its not too late for you? It can be earlier if needs be x

Yes that should be fine.:) Thank you!

waiting in chat now :o)

thanks shell for feedback, good idea to ask - best of luck with all that you ask them to help with. more than welcome. 🙂

Hi Celtic

You did two readings recently and forgive me for leaving this feedback late but here goes:
From what I remember and have saved

You mentioned a lady came through and described her height and appearance pretty accurately. At first I didn't know for sure who it was but you validated the link with her talking about a fire. The lady was an old friend of mine named Jennifer/jenny and then you mentioned you heard the name Sandra being mentioned. That was amazing as I met Jennifer through a Sandra (still living) but I can't get over how you picked up on the fire , Sandra name of our mutual friend and gave some pretty good descriptors appearance wise. It made my day that she came through, oddly I was thinking of jenny around 2 days before she came through.

Second reading: You mentioned another lady was visiting for me with dark hair and gave the name mandy (and other accurate links).. this is my friend Diana who passed in 2016.. what impressed me was her personaity/humour and a few other personal things were mentioned to confirm it was her. You passed on a message to me from her that things would work out and I would know when I saw names in blue text.. that same day, i was just on my way to an office where they had blue text going across notice boards.. so that was impressive. Whilst i didn't see her name or any other name that stood out, I did see it as a validation she was with me there. It was a pretty important meeting I had and I felt comforted to know that diana was there.

I can't thank you enough and i'm impressed, thank you for the readings . I hope you know they're appreciated and you're doing it all right. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us all


Cheers Samj, happy if spirit's message resonated and has helped bring clarity into your life! Lovely energies they have and you can tell them that from me! Ty for opportunity to work!

Reposting as my bio got hijacked by a spammer. (take two!!!)
sooo a little about me....

I am 30 years old female from Colchester UK. I am very much aware of guiding energy and healing energy, working with gemstones/crystals.
I can read tarot and tools if drawn, but have progressed to stage where I've been told I don't need to work with tools now and can put info straight into room. Oh yeah, in case you don't know, I am not keen on ego, or labels. And most of what I know so far has all been self-taught by learning the hard way.

I am an old soul that knows how to correctly communicate directly with angels and spirit, fey and stars, crystals, on my listening ear... etc but, I let them decide how they wish to connect and which clairs that they wish to work with at the time of the link. Usually if a communicative higher energy then I will work with them direct; but my guides are in the background on standby if I need extra help and assistance in protection etc. I also am able to work with animal totem guides, but these usually are more on a clairvoyance as snippets of gentle inner vision if they come to connect.

I sometimes find pictures helpful to connect as it enhances the connection, if I can't find your energy,
but will use a viewing technique called psychic drawing to view your aura energy also if I'm struggling to find your energy. If I can't read for you at all, I will let you know. I don't like to predict either, I'm fairly old school in not reading for subjects like health or love life, simply because I feel strongly that love will find you and with health, (unless it is mentioned as evidence from spirit, that is), then I just would not be comfortable with reading on that subject.

I would appreciate feedback as feedback helps letting us as readers know if we are on track with our intuition so if I have read for you please leave feedback on this thread. Thanks!

Spirit will let me know if they are here for sitter as sometimes they link in mid-reading...
Sometimes I can link in direct to working with Spirit if they step forward and visit or link in to connect.
Or alternatively if drawn can work whichever psychic or spirit energy is around me at the time of open link/connection.

Thanks all - Peace

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