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A Weight Loss Journey

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I have lost nearly all my weight Shell 2 stone. 4 pound to go to goal weight.. i cant say its been easy at all.. as everyone says its the keeping it off that is the battle.. Sorry not been following the thread.. good luck let me know how you are getting on

well I been avoiding posting

coz February and March I've put on . but in the last few weeks Ive lost 3kgs 6.6lbs 0.475stone .

Still 4.4kgs 9.7lbs 0.690stone to lose to get to my January weight 🙁

oh well

hugs Shell

Hello everyone

I started my new diet Wednesday 24th of April . Keto diet

its day 4 and I've lost 2kgs 4.4lbs . It better not slow down . I'm getting tired of this b/s .
On a happy note its a loss and good loss I've heard good things about keto diet . My brother is on it and in 5 weeks has lost 15kgs 33lbs 2.3stone.

I'll post my total loss on Wednesday 1st of May .

hugs Shell

hugs Helen Wonderful effort
helen im working on a budget I looked up the cambridge diet Australia . Dont think its in my budget but if this diet keto fails i may give them a ring and get them to give me a quote .

Helen give me more info please .
total loss ?
how long it took ?
would u recommend it ?
were you hungry ?

hugs Shell

Hey everyone

Its Wednesday 1st of May

I have been on keto diet a week today ... Total loss 2kgs 4.4lbs .

I did get lower but put on 600grams yesterday .

I'm going to keep going . I'll write again Wednesday 8th of May

hugs Shell

Hi Everyone

Starting my weight loss thread again .

I have done really well since I started . I've lost 30kgs 66lbs 4.7stone since late September last year.

I currently want to lose another 50kgs 110lbs 7.8stone

l'm now on the Herbalife weight loss ultimate program . Its shakes and herbal supplements . I have 2 shakes and 1 meal a day .Started on Monday 7th its now Friday 18th and i still haven't lost weight . There could be a few factors for that like hormones or my metbolism is still in starvation mode after the fasting . I dont know

I shall stick to it I've paid for a months worth so I'll do it for a month.

I shall post my progress .

hugs Shell

Oh shell i do hope it works.
Its strange that you have got so far and now your body has stopped losing weight. See how you go but i am thinking maybe you need your thyroid checking ?
As you know i was supposed to start the cabbage soup but that didnt work for me this week.. hormones etc for me too.
Keep you posted hun i will join you as soon as I get my head round it.
I am routing for you

you need to trick your body because if it thinks its starving then it does just one thing
best wishes with this shell sometimes the last bit of weight is very stubborn to get rid of


Sending you all the very best.

Essential to get the mind to change as much as the body.


Oh shell i do hope it works.
Its strange that you have got so far and now your body has stopped losing weight. See how you go but i am thinking maybe you need your thyroid checking ?
As you know i was supposed to start the cabbage soup but that didnt work for me this week.. hormones etc for me too.
Keep you posted hun i will join you as soon as I get my head round it.
I am routing for you

Hey helen

I hope it works too I'm having 3 shakes a day and replacing all meals with shakes to see if that makes me lose.

I've had a thyroid and metabolic cheak in march and im 100% healthy

Take ur time getting started I know hormones play a big part in weight gain .

thank you helen

hugs Shell

mark wrote: ↑Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:43 pm
you need to trick your body because if it thinks its starving then it does just one thing
best wishes with this shell sometimes the last bit of weight is very stubborn to get rid of

Hi mark

yeah after fasting its most likely my body is in starvation mode but I would think giving it 2weeks to come back would be enough to set it straight again . Anyway I'm trying 3 shakes a day now and see if that moves some weight.

with luck it will

hugs Shell

Owlscrying wrote: ↑Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:06 am


Sending you all the very best.

Essential to get the mind to change as much as the body.


Thank you owls love the support

hugs Shell

Shell. wrote: ↑Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:07 am
Hi Everyone

Starting my weight loss thread again .

I have done really well since I started . I've lost 30kgs 66lbs 4.7stone since late September last year.

I currently want to lose another 50kgs 110lbs 7.8stone

l'm now on the Herbalife weight loss ultimate program . Its shakes and herbal supplements . I have 2 shakes and 1 meal a day .Started on Monday 7th its now Friday 18th and i still haven't lost weight . There could be a few factors for that like hormones or my metbolism is still in starvation mode after the fasting . I dont know

I shall stick to it I've paid for a months worth so I'll do it for a month.

I shall post my progress .

hugs Shell

That is an amazing amount of weight to have lost Shell! Well done indeed and good luck on your process so far!

Isato thank your for you support

hugs Shell

Ok its Monday 04/09/2017....... 4 weeks after I started herbalife supplements and shakes and I lost 1.2kgs 2.6lbs

Not much but I've been much more regular everyday now , sometimes twice which is a big difference . Im going to stop herbalife for 2 weeks and have veggie soup till I can afford to buy the package again.

Shall see how I go on the veggie soup diet . basically its veggie soup once a day and no other meals . veggie soup is 96 calories plus my coffee with no sugar and milk . Ive done this before and lost lots.... like 26kgs 57.3lbs so lets hope I can again .

my computer dvd player is still broken so I haven't been doing my hopefully next weeks I can get that fix and restart yoga

ok so sofar I've lost 31.2kgs 68.7lbs 4.91stone ..... I'll write next week my progress . I dont think it will be losing much .
It was Fathers day here on Sunday and there's left overs andddddddd its my birthday friday and we have planned to go out to dinner to an Italian restaurant . so I might be a bit naughty ......... who am I kidding I will be naughty . lol

hugs Shell

Yup. Drinking a lot of water based drinks as well 🙂 helps me xx

weigh in day tomorrow i could not have been more saint like off the ice cream and biscuits eating fruit salad veg with the odd treat but within my diet restrictions with weight watchers.
lets hope tomorrow shows the signs of a smaller helen to come!!

CelticRose wrote: ↑Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:19 pm
Yup. Drinking a lot of water based drinks as well 🙂 helps me xx

Yeah water is fabulous . I was drinking 3ltrs a day but since its gotten cold ive slowed down to 1.5ltrs a day.

hugs Shell

Helen wrote: ↑Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:15 am
weigh in day tomorrow i could not have been more saint like off the ice cream and biscuits eating fruit salad veg with the odd treat but within my diet restrictions with weight watchers.
lets hope tomorrow shows the signs of a smaller helen to come!!

Good luck helen

Keep up the good work

hugs Shell

A day late checking in .

Didnt feel like post cause I dont have good news. I'm 97kgs 213lbs 15.27stone STILL.

At least i didnt put on . May the following week I'll lose

hugs Shell

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