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A smile a day....

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A smile a day keeps the sadness away...
Sharing ghostie humor that I come across....

share yours too!

A giggle or a chuckle a day keeps the sadness away πŸ˜‰
Count the blessings of laughter, its good for the soul! πŸ˜€

one more

send us a search party...

Will ya? πŸ˜€

today's a mystery

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lovely saying laughterspirit.jpeg (9.17 KiB) Viewed 11102 times


That brought on a giggle today! I love it! Ok I got another too somewhere!


Jingle7 wrote: ↑Sat May 20, 2017 9:58 am

Ha!!! πŸ˜† Thanks for the giggle.. needed that.

Hmm off to find me some more ghost humour...


Oops looks like someone is CAUGHT!

Q: What do ghosts serve for dessert?
A: Ice Scream!

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This made me laugh today. I know its not ghostie humor, but it felt apt for yesterday's situation which as now been thankfully sorted. Hope it brings a smile to someone else though today.

I know its not ghostie humor but..

trying to find the smaller one...

a smile a day you guys could never see it if its on ones face always take something as a personal attack . even when one helps. but for the sake of a ghost joke. the ghost said to a person YOU DONT SEE ME.

Haha. Love it. πŸ˜€

Not really ghosty humor but thought to share anyway purely because it made me smile today!
Still its all associated around the same subject, I guess, so having to share anyways!



Great posts paperbagwriter - hopefully may bring someone in a smile for the day πŸ™‚


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