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1. Some of you who come here already know you have something metaphysical. Every indoctrinated bone in your body throws doubt at you! Yet, you still know there is something different about YOU. Yet, you still abide by the demands of the doubt. The doubt that was drilled into you since birth. The idea the society will shun you if you come out of the metaphysical closet! There was a day that was true everyone has heard of Salem Witch Trials and subsequent Witch burning.

A more modern take would not be murder but in some situations just as bad. In some professions claiming to be able to do things others cannot will get a psychological review. So a pilot who is deemed mentally unstable is probably not getting cleared to fly again! So you all just stay quiet and wonder. Acceptance has come a long way and today we do not have those worries. Religion, metaphysical work is not a religion so do not go tossing out your Bible yet. Research Learn and make your own adult decision.

2. Some of you who come here are the future of the above discussed people. Pay attention everyone this is your future if you know you have abilities and are still in the closet. This group of people come here with similar and distinct stories. If I had a dollar for every time I heard this:

“ I am lost. My life is miserable. I don't fit in with my group. I do not know my purpose. I know I am supposed to be doing something important. I don't know if I can take it any more. I just wish I were dead.”

YES, I have heard all of the above statements. SENSITIVES this is the first clue to identifying these folks. Next thing is the Empathy test. Empaths come in a variety of abilities. ALL will be Empathic. Their suffering is from the inability to cut their Spirit off from everyone else around them. The absorb energies thru feelings from everyone around them without even knowing it. So a sad room full of people will knock an Empath on their asses. That encounter will leave an Empath exhausted. Soon the health or mental problems get diagnosed and you find yourself jumping from medication to medication and nothing works.

If you identify with any of this. If you are saying “that seems like me” AND somehow you found your way here GUESS WHAT. You have abilities and you need to learn how to live with them. NO there is no controlling them there is only management of them.

SO, paragraph 1 people have fun for now see you sooner or later.

Paragraph 2 people the sooner you open up the sooner your life can get to your new happy normal. The depression and medications caused by not managing your abilities will not end well.

If you have multiple divorces and are still lost over WHY. You need to contact us.

The choice is yours. The help is FREE

Great post Gary.