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xmas dinnr in a monkss castl

had a dream wear i wz havin xmas dinnr in s a monks castl i wz for sum reson i nockton door a monk let me in let me sit in a sit for su reson i had xmas dinnr i did thn i wok u

Hello Dream Jo.
This is just my opinion on this dream.
The Monks castle could symbolise the Church as your mind sees it, but you don't feel included or if you do attend you feel like you are missing something. You are wanting to be invited in but are sitting on the fence so-to-speak, but in reality - if you only asked they would be only too happy to include you.

This may not even be a church event but could also represent family or distant family over Christmas. If it applies to you - you can always ask if it is ok to come along.

Just my thoughts on it.

thnx im not evn relges im not im humnsts i am
only yim i go 2 chrsh is mstly funrels or crstins or wedins

To dream that you are at a monastery indicates that you need to learn and explore more about yourself, especially the masculine side. It is a time for self-reflection and self-exploration. Perhaps you need to address some pent up aggression or you need to show more sensitivity. Alternatively, a monastery is symbolic of lacking sexuality. You are missing your other, better half.
To dream that you are eating dinner with others signifies your acceptance or others. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences. It also suggests that you see everyone as an equal.

Source: Dreammoods

thnx im 1 pts evry 1 1st i do i no i can be r u ok dnt thgn abot my slf i try 2 always pt othrs 1st slf lst i do

Once.i was told.i had a.monk if it's true.merry.xmas.

ye cud be
merry xmas