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Would you please read me?

This is me.

Wondering if you could try your hand at reading my picture. I'd appreciate it very much 🙂 Whatever you pick up...



Hi HeWhoIs

No online man, but the part about a son is correct. My son is 8. Right now I am keeping friendships at a distance for the most part. Am trying to figure out my boundaries (and then enforce them).

Regards my working situation - do you see anything?



You are being asked to trust in your instincts on things you are likely to succeed with. Determination is absolutely key to the dreams you are dreaming about and are gaining inspiration that feels like its universal inspiration. Trust in any patterns of shared synchronicity and know that higher guidance is available to you should you choose to accept it.

Name of Hannah coming in with this, someone called Hannah but also get the name that sounds like Mitchell, but could be Michelle. (I do struggle with hearing names and can't always hear them but this name sounded clear in my awareness in relation to your picture). This is a female in her early 20s, someone you've doubted about in the past and present. You are being asked to trust in your gut instincts as to how you feel about her, your instincts will never let you down as they are always correct and on point.

Let those who you trust into your life and don't try to second-guess those who aren't trustworthy will let you know one way or the other. Still trust in your instincts and i also get the sense of the moon being strong around you too like you've got an affinity with the moon who is assisting helping the old to clear out bringing the new situation in.

You are questioning the light a lot at the moment and are wondering if your path is for you, its almost a case of distance and being in control of the driver's seat of your life, you are very driven to do what you wish to do, but you are in two minds about a decision you've been deciding connected to work/path-related activity. its almost like where you stand you can see the path ahead but the closest point of the path you are seeing is shrouded in confusion and doubt. The clouds above your path though are indeed clearing and soon you will be able to see or determine the way forward ahead which will get you too your destination, but trust, as always in your heart/heart's word for that will get you to where you are meant to be, as you are currently going through changes as well that will take you into a new level of development & awareness - its like you are being made aware of this awakening and are now dealing with the new beliefs & knowledge that it has brought you within your current life/regular routine.

The last message is NEVER stop being yourself for anyone else's sake, and once you find your true sense of self and purpose, you'll be all set to move forward in your new journey. You have in the past felt lost and protective over your family members and people you love for a good reason, but on the other hand, keeping bottled emotions up lead to worries and anxious mindset is never a good mindset to be in, hopefully though, the source of this info is a tone just telling me what to type in this post, but you can do with letting go of this old fearfulness and worry that you have got up in the mind for you can hear spirit if you choose to do so; you just need to allow yourself to be aware and acknowledging those around you who are there and ready to help and by trusting with those who are genuine - for there are genuine friends/people out there who will come forward and lend a hand or helping friendly ear if you need it - when other old friends have drifted on - by trusting yourself and intuition on who to trust and let into your life, you will find a whole new meaning and a new realization which will lead to a positive transformation of yourself, through self-reflection and self-expression in a creative way, you can learn how to take action and make the adjusting changes that are needed in your life!

Work wise? You will definitely find work, depending on what you are looking for. Teaching Assistant or Carer position are those that spring to mind which may suit you as feel like you have a lot of knowledge to give and also you are empathetic too as well as caring and intuitive. I also feel like you are and have been helping others in the best way possible, but have lost yourself in the process a bit; like you are in limbo between an old chapter and a new chapter, but your patience has been rewarded because a new beginning is happening around you, with the much needed hope to keep going with this stage in your life. Find yourself- your true self & work with your self-esteem and take the courageous leap of faith because you are going to places... in a positive way.... but you do need to find your footing first on your new path and make that decision as to which way to go forwards, trust and listen to your heart though always on that one!

If you have had a read also from me I'd appreciate feedback to be put onto my bio thread, if you would or in response to this thread, it just helps to let us as readers know if we are on track or not. Thank you!

Peace & Blessings


Thank you again, Hewhois. I find it interesting that you mention finding jobs related to seclusion. I was wondering about taking a massage therapy course, because I love giving massages and the feeling of helping others - but I'm afraid my personal boundaries are too flimsy and perhaps I might get tired out of 8 hours a day of massage and soaking in other people's energy. So maybe I get to be a wise woman secluded in an appartment? Haha. I like the sound of that. Too much isolation = bad for anyone, but I can probably take more than most - yes.


Thank you for the long and in depth reading. It almost sounded as if you were speaking to me. You hear things too! My "voice" is very quiet. I doubt it often. Funnily enough, I've always looked out for synchronicity, but lately I've noticed it a lot more. And then it goes for a while and I doubt it and think I'm crazy, and then it comes back and I don't feel so crazy anymore 🙂

I don't know a Hannah or a MIchelle or a girl in her early twenties, but I'll keep a look out. Maybe someone I'll meet some ways down the road. I agree with you on the intuition. I've been trying to pay attention to it more lately, but it's funny how often I'll miss signs because I WANT to beleive something is good for me, when it isn't. I WANT to beleive in good, which is good, but I am learning (through falling out of the tree and metaphorically banging my head on every branch on the decent) that naively hanging onto this idea only gets me in trouble 🙂 so I'm trying to see people and situations as they are, rather than I'd like them to be.

Interesting you thought teacher or care aide. Right now I'm so drained that I can't care for those that need me most. I've cloistered myself away from family and am trying to recover. I don't know if I had a nervous breakdown or spiritual awakening. Anyway, I'm aware from an outside perspective, I probably look like a selfish ass, and I'm surprised I even have any friends left. But the truth is - I HAD to go. I felt so moved to go and hide myself away and being able to do so was such a massive sense of releif because now I can feel my feelings and move past them, rather than stuffing them down so they don't upset those around me.

So thanks Celtic Rose and Hewhois. You both gave some awesome reads. Does anyone else have anything they might be able to add? Given my exposition above?

Sometimes we gotta do what we feel is best for ourselves even in times of great need and difficulty. So if you felt that way then you were definitely listening to your instincts in order to find a way in your own way as to how to re-charge yourself and saving your energy is always a good thing. Thanks for feedback, happy if it has helped in any way - much peace & blessings, CR