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Woman finds lost engagement ring on a carrot 13 years later

For a lucky Canadian woman, this is no garden-variety 1-carrot diamond ring.

Mary Grams lost the engagement ring in 2004 while pulling weeds and thought it was gone for good, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

Before she had a chance to look for it, her son Brian called out that he needed a ride out to the fields to harvest grain on the family farm southeast of Edmonton.

“I came back and I started looking. I looked for days and I couldn’t find it,” the 84-year-old told the Global News.

“We looked high and low on our hands and knees,” the Camrose woman added, the CBC reported. “We couldn’t find it. I thought for sure either they rototilled it or something happened to it.”

Fast forward 13 years and the diamond in the rough showed up in Grams’ old garden, which now belongs to Brian.

“My wife was digging carrots for supper, and I guess she came up with a carrot that had something on it,” Brian told Global News.

In the evening light, a sparkle caught his wife’s eye – a ring circled the middle of a carrot, much like it had on Grams’ finger so many years before.

“She showed me this carrot and said, ‘Do you know anything about this?’ I said, ‘I think I do — Mom lost [a ring] quite a few years ago,’” he said.

When the couple called Grams on Monday night with the good news, she thought they were joking because they couldn’t stop laughing.

But the next day, her she found out that diamonds are indeed forever when her granddaughter delivered it to her.



Mary Grams, lost her ring whilst weeding on her family farm 13 years ago. However on Aug. 14, Gram’s daughter-in-law was tending to the vegetable patch, and found the ring with a carrot growing through it.