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why do I keep seeing 111 / 1221 ?

Hello all. Can someone do a reading for me on why I see 111 and 1221? I think I know what it is related to but I am unable to really figure it out. I can ask yes or no questions and get answers sometimes but I don't get anything more than that. I know I need to develop my abilities more but I keep seeing these numbers and I'm trying to find out what action to take or what it relates to. Has been going on close to 1 month. There is an area of my life it probably relates to but I keep seeing the numbers and not sure what the message really is.

I think for sure someone is trying to communicate to me. Can someone try and talk to them? Perhaps my grandmother. I don't have any pictures of her, and I can't spell her name in English, it starts with a B. I asked whoever is sending me this message yesterday of 111 and 1221 please just give me a more clear sign, and I asked for a specific indicator so please include any info that comes through even if you think it isn't important. I am starting to wonder if I am being trolled lol none of the signs I get make sense (I'm joking, I feel like whoever is doing this is trying to prepare me for something.) I think whoever this is is persistent, even if you don't pick up on the indicator it's very likely that they will come through to you. If you ask for Emi's grandmother, B, she may come through and tell you what is going on. She is always around me with my grandfather. They have been trying to guide me the last 10 years or so and always around springtime something happens, so they probably want me to know this month so i can prepare.
I get messages about moving, or going somewhere. However I am not planning on going anywhere, actually I need to stay here for my kids. Given the numerology of 22 that i have looked up and 111 i think the "moving" and "going somewhere" is having to do with career or making room for someone new in my life.
I recently started reorganizing my house and trying to clean it out, make room for new things, and I think this is part of what they are trying to get me to do. Like for example I have 2 closets filled with stuff and I am trying to condense it down to 1 closet. It's like I have to make room for something or clear out old things, and that might be part of it too.

Please if anyone has any ideas let me know. My abilities are not that great and I only can ask yes or no questions. They try to communicate in my dreams but the messages there are also confusing. And they do not show their faces in anything in my dreams so I don't know for sure.

Also I don't know much about my grandfather because i never met him but when he comes through he mentions usually how he behaved/acted when he was alive. he feels pretty bad about it i think. so he may bring that up, I think he's just trying to confirm who he is